Stored Procedure for running totals

  • I have a stored procedure that utilizes a temp table to insert values from a cursor and then calculates a running total based on the records. My problem is, I need to group by at least two of the records and then have the running total re-zero itself for each group. In other words a running total for each group. Below is the script for the sp. This script keeps a running total for all groups based on the sort order. Not really what I am looking for. Any ideas would be appreciated.

    --CREATE procedure sp_ngst as

    Create table #ngst -- Build temp table













    Declare @pointclassvarchar(32), -- Declare all variables used in the cursor.










    Set @RunningTotal = 0 -- Set running total initially to zero.

    Declare a_cursor CURSOR -- Declare and open the base select statement using CASE to return calculated results.


    Select isnull(ngp.pointclass,'None') pointclass, ngp.point,


    When ngq.timeunit = 'MONTH' THEN ngq.volume/(datediff(dd, ngq.begtime, ngq.endtime))

    When ngq.timeunit = 'DAY' THEN ngq.volume*24

    When ngq.timeunit = 'TOTAL' and datediff(dd, ngq.begtime, ngq.endtime) > 0 THEN ngq.volume/(datediff(dd, ngq.begtime, ngq.endtime))

    Else ngq.volume

    End As volume

    ,ngp.maxstorage, ngp.minstorage, ngq.quantitytype, datediff(dd, ngq.begtime, ngq.endtime) AS divider, ngq.timeunit, tc.days

    from ngpoint ngp, ngposition ngptn, ngquantity ngq, temp_calendar tc

    where ngq.position = ngptn.position

    and ngq.seq = ngptn.seq

    and ngp.point = ngptn.point

    and tc.days >= ngq.begtime

    and tc.days <= ngq.endtime

    and ngq.posstatus = 'Y'

    order by ngp.point, tc.days

    Open a_cursor

    Fetch next from a_cursor into @pointclass, @point, @volume, @maxstorage, @minstorage, @quantitytype, @divider, @timeunit, @days

    While @@FETCH_STATUS = 0 -- Loop through the cursor and insert the variables into the temp table.


    Set @RunningTotal = @RunningTotal + @volume

    Insert #ngst values (@pointclass, @point, @volume, @maxstorage, @minstorage, @quantitytype, @divider, @timeunit, @days, @RunningTotal)

    Fetch next from a_cursor into @pointclass, @point, @volume, @maxstorage, @minstorage, @quantitytype, @divider, @timeunit, @days


    Close a_cursor

    Deallocate a_cursor

    Select * from #ngst -- Select the result of the insert.

    order by point

    compute sum(volume) by point

    drop table #ngst -- Drop the temp table and start over.


  • Here is a technique to calculate break totals (sum of a group) and running totals (sum of all groups to date. Perhaps you could see a different way to solve your problem then.



    set nocount on

    create table #running

    (keyval int identity(1,1) not null

    , breakval int not null

    , runval int not null)

    insert into #running (breakval, runval) values (1,1)

    insert into #running (breakval, runval) values (2,3)

    insert into #running (breakval, runval) values (3,2)

    insert into #running (breakval, runval) values (2,6)

    insert into #running (breakval, runval) values (3,5)

    insert into #running (breakval, runval) values (2,2)

    insert into #running (breakval, runval) values (1,1)

    insert into #running (breakval, runval) values (2,9)

    insert into #running (breakval, runval) values (1,3)

    set nocount off



    , (select sum(r1.runval) from #running r1 where r1.breakval=r.breakval) as break_total

    , (select sum(r2.runval) from #running r2 where r2.breakval<=r.breakval) as running_total

    from #running r

    group by r.breakval

    order by r.breakval asc

    drop table #running



    breakval break_total running_total

    ----------- ----------- -------------

    1 5 5

    2 20 25

    3 7 32

    (3 row(s) affected)

  • For a solution without cursors

    create the temp table (as above)

    select into the temp table (as per your select for the first cursor)

    update the temp table using

    declare@RunningTotal numeric(15),
    @point varchar(32),
    @days datetime
    set @RunningTotal = 0
    set @point = ''
    set @days = ''
    update x
    set @RunningTotal = (case when (x.point<>@point or x.days <> @days) then volume else @RunningTotal+volume end),
    x.RunningTotal = @RunningTotal,
    @point = x.point,
    @days = x.days
    from #ngst x

    then run your final query

    Far away is close at hand in the images of elsewhere.

  • That seems to be what I am looking for. I will try that to see. Thanks.

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