SQL Server software ERROR

  • I am running S2K, sp3 on Win2K.

    Yesterday, the database and software services died. From NT and Error Logs I get the following messages.

    When I try to start the SQL Sever service:

    Error 193: %1 is not a valid Win32 application

    error log: 2003-06-18 09:11:43.48 spid51 LogEvent: Failed to report the current event. Operating system error = 1717(The interface is unknown.).

    sqlnet log:

    2003-06-16 07:54:37 - + [260] Unable to start mail session (reason: No mail profile defined)

    We have not changed anything for months, but that does not mean other people did something I don't know about.

    Any one, any ideas?



  • check what the service is trying to start. Double click it and look for the command line. Verify that the sqlservr.exe application is actually there.

    It sounds like someone moved things or possible axed part of the registry.

    Steve Jones




  • Here is the command string

    D:\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL$NTSBUF12_CIM\binn\sqlservr.exe -sNTSBUF12_CIM


  • This may or may not help, but we got the same error when someone changed the drive letter where SQL Server was installed. This might not be your issue, but I bet something was changed on the box.


  • Hi ,

    I am also getting same error . I have checked all privileges for startup account in registry as well as folder level but no clue.Tried running regmon to detect further problems . SQL server services are not starting .No one has touched this server it was running smooth

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