Log Shipping

  • Can Log Shipping on a SQL2K server use logs coming from a SQL 7 Server?


    Nick DeAngelo


  • The question really is, can you restore a backup from SQL 7 to 2K ? That's all log shipping does - no magic.

    John Zacharkan

    John Zacharkan

  • John,

    Thanks for your quick reply - actually, it's a bit different. I know you can restore a SQL 7 db into SQL2K server, and some conversion is done during the process - which is why I'm wondering if it will restore transactions (not the full db) into a SQL 2K database. Thanks.

  • Gottcha, so you restore the database from 7 to 2K and left it in standby, what happens when you try restoring the first transaction log.

    Never mind, I'm setting up that situation now, I'll let you what happens.



    Thanks for your quick reply - actually, it's a bit different. I know you can restore a SQL 7 db into SQL2K server, and some conversion is done during the process - which is why I'm wondering if it will restore transactions (not the full db) into a SQL 2K database. Thanks.

    John Zacharkan

    John Zacharkan

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