Option to see threads that I'm involved in?

  • I would like to see an option where I can select it and get a list of the forums that I have posted in.

    That way it's easier for me to keep up on threads that I'm involved with.

    Or have I missed something and that option IS available?


  • Hi SQLBill,


    I would like to see an option where I can select it and get a list of the forums that I have posted in.

    That way it's easier for me to keep up on threads that I'm involved with.

    Or have I missed something and that option IS available?

    you don't mean subscription, do you?



    Frank Kalis
    Microsoft SQL Server MVP
    Webmaster: http://www.insidesql.org/blogs
    My blog: http://www.insidesql.org/blogs/frankkalis/[/url]

  • Nope. Another site I frequent has a link:

    My Threads

    If I click on that I get a list of threads that I have either started or posted to and the title is a link to the actual thread.

    It's handy for the times I want to make sure I'm keeping up on threads that I made comments on.


  • We've looked at this, and the closest we have now is the "Active Topics" at the top. We're looking at redesigning the forums completely, so this is on the list, but probably will be a little while.

    Steve Jones




  • Steve,

    That's fine and it was just a suggestion from me.

    I've only see the option on one other site that I go to. If you want, check out http://www.tek-tips.com it's free to join. One of the links on the left is My Threads. It's come in handy for me, especially when I want to respond to someone and I KNOW I answered the same thing to someone else. I can find my previous response and give the new poster a link to the earlier one.

    Again, just a thought.


  • Stop! There is a way to do this. In any thread you have posted, click on your User Name and it will show you your recent postings. I'm not sure how far back the history goes but it seems pretty comprehensive.

    All the best,


  • quote:

    Stop! There is a way to do this. In any thread you have posted, click on your User Name and it will show you your recent postings. I'm not sure how far back the history goes but it seems pretty comprehensive.

    You're absolutely correct, Dale.

    I though of this when i was already at home.

    However, in Snitz forum software there is a file named 'pop_profile.asp'. Unless SitoOwners haven't modified this, in this file there's somewhere a comment 'Find all records for the member.

    Right after this ALL records for the member in question are collected.

    Then they loop through the records with

    'do until rs2.EOF or (TopicCount = 10)'

    At a maximum the 10 most current records for the member are presented. I guess there isn't a TOP clause, because MySQL doesn't support this feature, but Snitz forum claims to support MySQL.

    Anyway, it should be really easy to extend up to say 20 or so. And performance shouldn't also be affected too much, because at this point you already have queried the db and only need to present the data.




    Just saw Steve's comment on this.

    I hope this helps, Steve. It shouldn't be too hard to place this say as a separate link on top of page. Although the forum code is sometimes hard to follow.

    BTW, Snitz also maintains a help forum (how suprising!). But it is really helpful when you got stuck on something. I have asked several questions there on extending, and have always get a quick and competent answer

    Edited by - a5xo3z1 on 07/11/2003 12:37:34 AM

    Appendix #2:

    There's a WHERE clause only selecting from one month ago, and I think that is still enough. So - all you have to do - is to modify the 10 to an appropriate number

    Edited by - a5xo3z1 on 07/11/2003 04:05:08 AM

    Frank Kalis
    Microsoft SQL Server MVP
    Webmaster: http://www.insidesql.org/blogs
    My blog: http://www.insidesql.org/blogs/frankkalis/[/url]

  • Hey, Frank!

    Now it's my turn. What is Snitz forum software? Where is its origin?

    All the best,


  • Good morning Dale,


    Now it's my turn. What is Snitz forum software? Where is its origin?

    can't you sleep?

    Here it is 10 o'clock in the morning. You are 6 hours behind, right?

    Anyway, Snitz forum software is the forum community software this site is using. I think it is one of the most popular forum software packages for asp-pages around. It's very easy to install and to use. I've set this up here for internal department communication. I can't resist to say for private use on my future site I'm using http://www.phpbb.org

    For further information take a look at http://forum.snitz.com/ .

    Have a good day!



    Frank Kalis
    Microsoft SQL Server MVP
    Webmaster: http://www.insidesql.org/blogs
    My blog: http://www.insidesql.org/blogs/frankkalis/[/url]

  • Well, with help like that - I've bumped it to 25 for now.



  • I will say it would be nice if I could set a range to look for all the items I posted too. I have been in many conversations and have found myself needing to find one previously posted too for related info but could not find thru the search for various reasons.

  • Hi Andy,


    I will say it would be nice if I could set a range to look for all the items I posted too. I have been in many conversations and have found myself needing to find one previously posted too for related info but could not find thru the search for various reasons.

    it took me a little bit longer to figure out where to increase this number

    As for what James suggested, I suggest being lazy and post it to Snitz forum itself. I bet someone else has done this also before. So why reinvent the wheel and waste precious time?



    Case you haven't registered there and want me to, drop me a mail! I am already registered and also interested in such a feature

    Edited by - a5xo3z1 on 07/11/2003 04:52:26 AM

    Frank Kalis
    Microsoft SQL Server MVP
    Webmaster: http://www.insidesql.org/blogs
    My blog: http://www.insidesql.org/blogs/frankkalis/[/url]

  • Frank,

    You're right about not sleeping. It was 4am (I think). My husband has dreams where he likes to kick. I scram out of bed now when he does that. Hence, my red eye mission on the computer commenced. Thought you'd get a laugh out of that.

    All the best,


  • Dale,

    You are WONDERFUL! I never noticed that option. It is what I was looking/asking for.

    Thanks for pointing it out to me.


  • quote:

    You are WONDERFUL! I never noticed that option. It is what I was looking/asking for.

    ...and now you're getting even more



    Frank Kalis
    Microsoft SQL Server MVP
    Webmaster: http://www.insidesql.org/blogs
    My blog: http://www.insidesql.org/blogs/frankkalis/[/url]

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