Extracting the Integer

  • Can Anyone Help?

    I have a range of alphanumeric product codes

    for example HBHORT023, HB894, H163A and I wish to extract the integer portion of these codes i.e 023, 894, 163. I know that I cannot use the INT() Function, is there any other way to acheive this in SQL.

  • Hi, try this: -

    declare @AlphaStr varchar(10)

    ,@RtnStr varchar(10)

    ,@i int

    select @i = 1, @RtnStr = '',@AlphaStr = 'a2c123'

    while @i <= len(@AlphaStr)


    if ascii(substring (@AlphaStr, @i,1)) between 48 and 57


    select @RtnStr = @RtnStr + substring (@AlphaStr, @i,1)


    select @i = @i + 1


    select @RtnStr


    Andy Jones

    Edited by - andyj93 on 12/20/2002 03:44:11 AM

    Edited by - andyj93 on 12/20/2002 03:44:42 AM


  • Thanks Andy, but how do I use this against all the product codes in the column in my Table (SQL6.5)

  • Hi, you could incooperate the logic above in a UDF, although in 6.5 not sure??


    Andy Jones


  • Can't do UDF's in 6.5. Could I do this in a stored procedure using a cursor maybe? and if so how do i do it?

    Thanks in advance


  • Possible, but performance would be poor on a large table. You could maybe trigger the integer part into another column when inserting / updating or simply insert / update into another column if your data access is via stored procedures. These suggestions are no good of course if you are simply reporting on an existing database and have no control over the inserts.


    Andy Jones


  • Or you can shorten a little by changing the while loop to this

    while @i <= len(@AlphaStr)

    select @RtnStr = @RtnStr + CASE WHEN substring (@AlphaStr, @i,1) LIKE '[0-9]' THEN substring (@AlphaStr, @i,1) ELSE '' END, @i = @i + 1

    Because you have no outputs you can increment the value inside the select.

    Also, if you need this in a SELECT statement and are using SQL 2000 you can make the process a function so you do not have to create a cursor.

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