Can't map or connect to a network drives in SQL

  • I can map or connect to a network shared folder in NT explore. For Example: I have two assigned drive letter P:

    and S, each of them map to a network shared network folder. But when I try to backup database and select backup destination in SQL SERVER. I can't map drive P:\ and S:\. Only can see C:\ and A:\ in Backup Device Location. Same problem when I try to create new backup device.

  • Try to use the UNC path. Make sure your SQL Server service a/c is able to access the network shared folders.

    For example, Backup database pubs to disk = '\\remoteservername\sharedfoldername\pubs.bak'

  • I believe to have them accessible through EM you have to have them configured for the NT user that SQL server is running under.

    You can specify what you want if you code it yourself in QA

    Simon Sabin

    Co-author of SQL Server 2000 XML Distilled

    Simon Sabin
    SQL Server MVP

  • I can create backup device in QA but can't in EM even I set NT user as the SQL Server Login. When I use the device in EM, I got a error message: Cannot open backup device... Device Error or Device off-line...

  • The SQL Server Service has be configure to use an NT account that has access to that network folder

    Simon Sabin

    Co-author of SQL Server 2000 XML Distilled

    Simon Sabin
    SQL Server MVP

  • I would definitely use a UNC path as it is always unambiguous. What is someone comes along and changes your drive mappings (through the use of a login script for example)? Then your backups go someplace else.

    Also, drive mappings don't exist unless that use is logged in. If you leave your SQL Server logged out at the CTRL-ALT-DELETE prompt most of them time, the mappings won't even be accesible (because they aren't techincally mapped yet).

  • I found the problem. My MSSQLSERVER login is sa not NT user so all access denied. Thank you all the helps.

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