SQL 2000 default server collation change

  • How can a SQL 2000 server collation changed?

    Only by resinstalling and then chose customs setup?

    There is no way to change sql server default collation on a existing installtion?



  • You can change the collation using the rebuildm.exe command from the command line. However, if you are doing this on an existing system, you should back up your existing data first.

    There is a write up of what all to do in Books Online:


    K. Brian Kelley


    Author: Start to Finish Guide to SQL Server Performance Monitoring


    K. Brian Kelley

  • Mipo,

    I have had cause to use rebuildm.exe twice, for exactly this same reason: SQLServer installed with the wrong collation. I followed the guidelines shown but it failed both times, and I ended up re-installing.

    Has anyone successfully used this tool?


  • We've used the tool successfully in disaster recovery. Our file system backups capture everything but the db files (because they are open and in use). We use rebuildm to create generic master, msdb, and model, and then we restore master, msdb, and the user databases (we haven't modified model).

    K. Brian Kelley


    Author: Start to Finish Guide to SQL Server Performance Monitoring


    K. Brian Kelley

  • I used the rebuildm tool and I succeded to rebuild the master. One known problem is that you have to put your *.mdf files from the orgiginal CD first to harddisk and remove read-only attributes. Otherwise you always get an error.

    What kind of problem did you have when using rebuildm.exe?


  • Guys

    Thanks - at least I know it is somthing that I am doing that is wrong

    I wish I could remember what the specific errors were - as ever this happened in the early hours of the morning, and I had to get the server alive and kicking by the start of the working day.

    Luckily rebuidm.exe is not the kind of utility you use every day!


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