Deadlock Issue

  • i, I have a deadlock problem on our server. Basically,

    our environment: we have web connections, someone can

    place an order while someone else is also placing an

    order. There is a trigger on the awards table which

    basically is there to control inventory. Users are

    concurrently executing the same stored procedure which is

    then firing a trigger on an awards table. The profiler

    shows the deadlock occuring between a spid that is running

    the stored procedure and a different spid that has ran the

    same stored procedure. They are in two different places.

    One is updating the clustered index, the other is updating

    a non-clustered index. They are both requesting update

    locks on the opposite index which creates the deadlock


    I guess I am not clear on how to troubleshoot this since

    they are excueting the same stored proc.

    Would it help or hurt the deadlock situtation if we try to

    use Rowlock on the update statement?

    Here is the deadlock message

    Deadlock encountered .... Printing deadlock information

    2003-03-21 10:22:58.22 spid2

    2003-03-21 10:22:58.22 spid2 Wait-for graph

    2003-03-21 10:22:58.22 spid2

    2003-03-21 10:22:58.22 spid2 Node:1

    2003-03-21 10:22:58.22 spid2 KEY: 7:1682157088:2

    (3d009f00fadc) CleanCnt:1 Mode: U Flags: 0x0

    2003-03-21 10:22:58.22 spid2 Grant List 0::

    2003-03-21 10:22:58.22 spid2 Owner:0xb87df8a0 Mode:

    U Flg:0x0 Ref:1 Life:00000000 SPID:69 ECID:0

    2003-03-21 10:22:58.22 spid2 SPID: 69 ECID: 0

    Statement Type: UPDATE Line #: 232

    2003-03-21 10:22:58.22 spid2 Input Buf: RPC Event:


    2003-03-21 10:22:58.22 spid2 Requested By:

    2003-03-21 10:22:58.22 spid2 ResType:LockOwner

    Stype:'OR' Mode: U SPID:62 ECID:0 Ec:(0x890F79D8)

    Value:0xb96bd9e0 Cost:(0/E24)

    2003-03-21 10:22:58.22 spid2

    2003-03-21 10:22:58.22 spid2 Node:2

    2003-03-21 10:22:58.22 spid2 KEY: 7:1682157088:1

    (110010ceffed) CleanCnt:1 Mode: X Flags: 0x0

    2003-03-21 10:22:58.22 spid2 Grant List 0::

    2003-03-21 10:22:58.22 spid2 Owner:0xb94db640 Mode:

    X Flg:0x0 Ref:0 Life:02000000 SPID:62 ECID:0

    2003-03-21 10:22:58.22 spid2 SPID: 62 ECID: 0

    Statement Type: UPDATE Line #: 20

    2003-03-21 10:22:58.22 spid2 Input Buf: RPC Event:


    2003-03-21 10:22:58.22 spid2 Requested By:

    2003-03-21 10:22:58.22 spid2 ResType:LockOwner

    Stype:'OR' Mode: U SPID:69 ECID:0 Ec:(0x6A65B9D8)

    Value:0xb718f420 Cost:(0/2E10)

    2003-03-21 10:22:58.22 spid2 Victim Resource Owner:

    2003-03-21 10:22:58.22 spid2 ResType:LockOwner

    Stype:'OR' Mode: U SPID:62 ECID:0 Ec:(0x890F79D8)

    Value:0xb96bd9e0 Cost:(0/E24)

    --SPID 69

    UPDATE Awards SET OnHandQuantity = (ISNULL(OnHandQuantity,

    0) - @Quantity) WHERE AwardID = @AwardID

    --SPID 69

    Execution Tree


    Clustered Index Update(OBJECT:([discovercbb].[dbo].

    [Awards].[Ref_4108_FK]), SET:([Awards].[OnHandQuantity]=



    |--Compute Scalar(DEFINE:([Expr1004]=isnull

    ([Awards].[OnHandQuantity], 0)-[@Quantity]))

    |--Bookmark Lookup(BOOKMARK:([Bmk1000]),


    |--Index Seek(OBJECT:([discovercbb].[dbo].

    [Awards].[PK_AWARDS]), SEEK:([Awards].[AwardID]=


    SPId 62

    Update Statement:

    UPDATE Awards SET OnHandStatus = 'AVAILABLE' WHERE AwardID

    = @i_AwardID

    --SPID 62

    Execution Tree


    Assert(WHERE:(If (NOT([Pass1008]) AND ([Expr1007] IS

    NULL)) then 0 else NULL))

    |--Nested Loops(Left Semi Join, WHERE:('AVAILABLE' IS



    |--Clustered Index Update(OBJECT:([discovercbb].

    [dbo].[Awards].[Ref_4108_FK]), SET:([Awards].[OnHandStatus]


    | |--Top(1)

    | |--Index Seek(OBJECT:([discovercbb].[dbo].

    [Awards].[PK_AWARDS]), SEEK:([Awards].[AwardID]=

    [@i_AwardID]) ORDERED FORWARD)

    |--Clustered Index Seek(OBJECT:([discovercbb].[dbo].

    [L_OnHandStatus].[PK_L_OnHandStatus]), SEEK:

    ([L_OnHandStatus].[OnHandStatus]='AVAILABLE') ORDERED


  • This was removed by the editor as SPAM

  • I have seen the ROWLOCK hint resolve strange Deadlock issues. However, I have never seen a deadlock to occur like this when the entire transaction occurs only on a single table - even under very high volume. So it seems to be related to a larger picture.

    Do you have the stored procedure wrapped in an explicit BEGIN TRANSACTION statement? It may cause a little slowdown, but prevents deadlocks (mostly).

    Is it necessary to have a clustered index? Since normal indexes point to a page on the clustered index at their leaf level, their updates must wait if the clustered index is being updated.

    Just some thoughts that might help.


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