manual or distributed transaction mode

  • Sometimes I got error in my ADO/Cplusplus code:

    Code = 80004005

    Code meaning = Unspecified error

    Source = Microsoft OLE DB Provider for SQL Server

    Description = Cannot create new connection because in manual or distributed transaction mode.

    then followed by:

    Error number: 8000ffffITransaction::Commit or ITransaction::Abort was called, and object is in a zombie state.

    would remove the explicit transaction help?


    _RecordsetPtr pRst = NULL;

    _CommandPtr pCmd = NULL;

    _ConnectionPtr pConn = NULL;


    pRst->CursorType = adOpenStatic;

    pRst->CursorLocation = adUseClient;

    pRst->LockType = adLockReadOnly;


    pConn->BeginTrans(); // to be removed?


    pRst = pCmd->Execute(NULL,NULL,adCmdText);

    pConn->CommitTrans(); // to be removed?


    your insights are appreciated.

    Zack Hu

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