DB-Library International Settings Problem

  • Hi,

    we are having serius problems with the DB-Library Option "DB-Library Options/Use International Settings". If Option is not checked all datetime outputs are in format "28 01 2002 3:25PM". If the option is checked the format is "28 01 2002 15:30". Date formatting characters such as "28.01.2002" are missing. Changes made to the International Settings of Win2000 DO NOT make any difference. What we would like is to get German datetime formatting through administration (instead of rewriting the code with convert()).

    System configuration:

    Win2000 Server, MS SQL Server 2000, Version 8.00.194, all in German version and PHP4.1

    Same problem encountered under WinNT4 Sp6, SQL 7 (build 623) in German versions and PHP 4.1. In this case the datetime output is cut after 8 characters like "27.02.20".

    What can we do to influence the standard datetime output? Thanks.


  • Two things, check the language setting and the client has more of an impact on the display. Have you changed the W2K settings on the client or the server?

    Steve Jones


  • Thanks. Server and Client are the same. SQL Server and Client and IIS with PHP4 are on the same server machine.


  • You can always CONVERT() the data.

    Steve Jones


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