Technical Article

Statistics Outdated


Executar o script no database em que se deseja obter as estatísticas que estão desatualizadas.

O Script leva como base o traceflag 2371

SELECT [schema_name]        = sc.[name]
     , [object_id]          = ob.[object_id]
     , [object_name]        = ob.[name]
     , stats_id             = st.stats_id
     , stats_name           = st.[name]
     , auto_created         = st.auto_created
     , is_incremental       = st.is_incremental
     , heap_clustered       = CASE OBJECTPROPERTY( ob.[object_id], 'TableHasClustIndex')
                              WHEN 1 THEN 'Clustered' ELSE 'Heap' END
     , partition_number     = ISNULL(it.partition_number,1)     
     , last_updated         = it.last_updated
     , [rows]               = it.[rows]
     , rows_sampled         = it.rows_sampled
     , percent_sampled      = CONVERT(DECIMAL(5,2), (it.rows_sampled / (it.[rows] * 1.0)) * 100.0)
     , steps                = it.steps
     , unfiltered_rows      = it.unfiltered_rows
     , modification_counter = it.modification_counter
     , th.threshold
  FROM sys.stats st WITH(NOLOCK)
       INNER JOIN sys.tables    ob WITH(NOLOCK) ON ob.[object_id] = st.[object_id]
       INNER JOIN sys.schemas   sc WITH(NOLOCK) ON sc.[schema_id] = ob.[schema_id]
       CROSS APPLY ( SELECT it.partition_number     
                          , it.last_updated
                          , it.[rows]
                          , it.rows_sampled
                          , it.steps
                          , it.unfiltered_rows
                          , it.modification_counter
                       FROM sys.dm_db_stats_properties_internal(st.[object_id],st.stats_id ) it
                       WHERE ( st.is_incremental = 0  )-- estatísticas não particionadas
                          OR ( st.is_incremental = 1 AND it.partition_number IS NOT NULL )-- linha detalhe da estatística particionada
                   ) it
       CROSS APPLY ( SELECT threshold = CONVERT(INT, CASE WHEN ISNULL(it.[rows],0) <= 25000
                                                          THEN     (ISNULL(it.[rows],0) *    0.2  ) + 500 -- threshold PADRÃO
                                                          ELSE SQRT(ISNULL(it.[rows],0) * 1000.0  ) -- TRACEFLAG 2371 (
                   ) th
 WHERE ob.is_ms_shipped = 0 
   AND it.modification_counter > th.threshold
   AND it.rows > 500


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