3,533 reads
USE Master GO SET NOCOUNT ON GO /** * Author: Rodrigo Acosta * e-mail: acosta_rodrigo@hotmail.com * Compares performance of queries between different SQL Server instances. * Execute at source, and will generate an output with TSQL commands to create temp tables filled with top 50 long lasting queries from all databases. * Then execute output at destination and will do the same and show comparison of matching queries!! */IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#temp') IS NOT NULL DROP TABLE #temp GO -- Temp table that will store source server stats. CREATE TABLE #temp( [dbname] sysname, query_hash varbinary(MAX), execution_count bigint, avg_time_milliseconds bigint, max_cpu_time_milliseconds bigint, max_physical_reads bigint, max_logical_writes bigint) -- Gather stats from all databases DECLARE @fillQuery nvarchar(MAX); SELECT @fillQuery = N'SELECT TOP 50 "?" as dbname, HASHBYTES(' + '''' + 'SHA1' + '''' + ',CONVERT(varchar(8000), st.[text])) as text_checksum, qs.execution_count, ((qs.total_elapsed_time / qs.execution_count) / 1000) AS avg_time_milliseconds, max_worker_time / 1000 as max_cpu_time_milliseconds, max_physical_reads, max_logical_writes FROM sys .dm_exec_query_stats AS qs CROSS APPLY sys.dm_exec_sql_text( qs.sql_handle ) AS st ORDER BY qs.last_elapsed_time DESC;' INSERT INTO #temp exec sp_msforeachdb @fillQuery; -- remove system databases stats DELETE FROM #temp WHERE dbname IN (SELECT name FROM sysdatabases WHERE dbid < 5) -- variables declaration DECLARE @dbname sysname; DECLARE @query_hash varbinary(MAX); DECLARE @cmd varchar(MAX), @insert varchar(MAX); DECLARE @execution_count bigint, @avg_time_milliseconds bigint, @max_cpu_time_milliseconds bigint, @max_physical_reads bigint, @max_logical_writes bigint --define initial command SELECT @cmd = 'CREATE TABLE #tempSource ([dbname] sysname, query_hash nvarchar(4000), execution_count bigint, avg_time_milliseconds bigint, max_cpu_time_milliseconds bigint, max_physical_reads bigint, max_logical_writes bigint) ' -- creates output table IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#output') IS NOT NULL DROP TABLE #output CREATE TABLE #output (id int IDENTITY(1,1), output nvarchar(MAX)) -- insert initial commands. INSERT INTO #output (output) VALUES ('SET NOCOUNT ON'); INSERT INTO #output (output) VALUES ('GO'); INSERT INTO #output (output) VALUES (@cmd); -- cursor that will iterate the temp table to form the final query DECLARE statsCursor CURSOR LOCAL FORWARD_ONLY FOR SELECT dbname, query_hash, MAX(execution_count), MAX(avg_time_milliseconds), MAX(max_cpu_time_milliseconds), MAX(max_physical_reads), MAX(max_logical_writes) FROM #temp GROUP BY dbname, query_hash ORDER BY dbname, query_hash OPEN statsCursor FETCH NEXT FROM statsCursor INTO @dbname, @query_hash, @execution_count, @avg_time_milliseconds, @max_cpu_time_milliseconds, @max_physical_reads, @max_logical_writes WHILE (@@FETCH_STATUS = 0) BEGIN SELECT @insert = 'INSERT INTO #tempSource (dbname, query_hash, execution_count, avg_time_milliseconds, max_cpu_time_milliseconds, max_physical_reads, max_logical_writes) VALUES (' + '''' + @dbname + '''' + ', ' + '''' + CONVERT(nvarchar(4000), master.dbo.fn_varbintohexstr(@query_hash)) + '''' + ', ' + CONVERT(nvarchar(10), @execution_count) + ', ' + CONVERT(nvarchar(10), @avg_time_milliseconds) + ', ' + CONVERT(nvarchar(10), @max_cpu_time_milliseconds) + ', ' + CONVERT(nvarchar(10), @max_physical_reads) + ', ' + CONVERT(nvarchar(10), @max_logical_writes) + ')' INSERT INTO #output (output) VALUES (@insert); FETCH NEXT FROM statsCursor INTO @dbname, @query_hash, @execution_count, @avg_time_milliseconds, @max_cpu_time_milliseconds, @max_physical_reads, @max_logical_writes END CLOSE statsCursor; DEALLOCATE statsCursor; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Prepare statements to be executed at the destination server. DECLARE @cmd2 nvarchar(MAX) SELECT @cmd2 = N'CREATE TABLE #tempDestination( [dbname] sysname, [text] ntext, query_hash varbinary(4000), execution_count bigint, avg_time_milliseconds bigint, max_cpu_time_milliseconds bigint, max_physical_reads bigint, max_logical_writes bigint)' INSERT INTO #output (output) VALUES (@cmd2) SELECT @fillQuery = REPLACE(@fillQuery,'as dbname,', 'as dbname, [text], '); -- I'm adding the Text column to the table in destination SELECT @cmd2 = 'DECLARE @cmd nvarchar(MAX); SELECT @cmd = ' + '''' + REPLACE(@fillQuery, '''', '''''') + '''' + ' INSERT INTO #tempDestination exec sp_msforeachdb @cmd' INSERT INTO #output (output) VALUES (@cmd2) SELECT @cmd2 = N' SELECT a.dbname db_source, b.dbname db_destination, b.[text], a.query_hash, a.execution_count exec_count_source, b.execution_count exec_count_destination, a.avg_time_milliseconds avg_time_millis_source, b.avg_time_milliseconds avg_time_millis_destination, a.max_cpu_time_milliseconds max_cpu_time_millis_source, b.max_cpu_time_milliseconds max_cpu_time_millis_destination, a.max_physical_reads max_physical_reads_source, b.max_physical_reads max_physical_reads_destination, a.max_logical_writes max_log_writes_source, b.max_logical_writes max_log_writes_destination FROM #tempSource a INNER JOIN #tempDestination b ON a.query_hash = CONVERT(nvarchar(4000), master.dbo.fn_varbintohexstr(b.query_hash)) ORDER BY b.dbname' INSERT INTO #output (output) VALUES (@cmd2) SELECT @cmd2 = N'-- SELECT * FROM #tempSource;' INSERT INTO #output (output) VALUES (@cmd2) SELECT @cmd2 = N'-- SELECT * FROM #tempDestination;' INSERT INTO #output (output) VALUES (@cmd2) SELECT output FROM #output ORDER BY id