This is uesfull if you need to know what dates will be long weekend in the future.
This is uesfull if you need to know what dates will be long weekend in the future.
Create FUNCTION [dbo].[KDT_FN_FIND_EASTER_SUNDAY](@inYear int) RETURNS datetime AS BEGIN /* CREATED BY Kraai E.G OF USE : SELECT dbo.KDT_FN_FIND_EASTER_SUNDAY (2016) PURPOSE: DETERMININING THE EASTER SUNDAY AS PER THE WESTERMN CREGORIAN CALENDAR THIS IS HELPFULL AS GOOD FRIDAY IS ALWAYS THE FRIDAY BEFORE THIS SUNDAY AND IN SA FAMILY DAY IS ALWAYS THE MONDAY MORE INFORMATION ON CALCULATING EASTER ETC CAN BE FOUND : SHORT HISTORY OF EASTER DATE : Easter Sunday is the Sunday following the Paschal Full Moon (PFM) date for the year. (Paschal is pronounced "PAS-KUL", not "pas-chal"). See Christian Prayer Books for proof of this concise definition. In June 325 A.D. astronomers approximated astronomical full moon dates for the Christian church, calling them Ecclesiastical Full Moon (EFM) dates. From 326 A.D. the PFM date has always been the EFM date after March 20 (which was the equinox date in 325 A.D.) From 1583, each PFM date differs from an Astronomical Full Moon (AFM) date usually by no more than 1 date, and never by more than 3 dates. (Each AFM is a two-dates event due to world time zones. Each PFM is a one-date event world-wide). */ DECLARE @dtNow datetime DECLARE @inCurDay int DECLARE @inCurMonth int DECLARE @inCurYear int DECLARE @inCurCent int DECLARE @inYear19 int DECLARE @inYearTmp int DECLARE @inTemp2 int DECLARE @inTemp3 int DECLARE @inTemp4 int DECLARE @inEastDay int DECLARE @inEastMonth int DECLARE @dtEasterSunday datetime SET @dtNow = CONVERT(datetime,CAST(@inYear as char(4))+'-01-01') SET @inCurDay=DAY(@dtNow) SET @inCurMonth=MONTH(@dtNow) SET @inCurYear=YEAR(@dtNow) SET @inCurCent=FLOOR(@inCurYear/100) SET @inYear19=@inCurYear%19 SET @inYearTmp=FLOOR((@inCurCent-17)/25) SET @inTemp2=(@inCurCent-FLOOR(@inCurCent/4)-FLOOR((@inCurCent-@inYearTmp)/3)+(19*@inYear19)+15)%30 SET @inTemp2=@inTemp2-FLOOR(@inTemp2/28)*(1 - FLOOR(@inTemp2/28)*FLOOR(29/(@inTemp2+1))*FLOOR((21-@inYear19)/11)) SET @inTemp3 = (@inCurYear+FLOOR(@inCurYear/4)+@inTemp2+2-@inCurCent+FLOOR(@inCurCent/4))%7 SET @inTemp4 = @inTemp2-@inTemp3 SET @inEastMonth = 3+FLOOR((@inTemp4+40)/44) SET @inEastDay = @inTemp4+28-31*FLOOR(@inEastMonth/4) SET @inEastMonth = @inEastMonth - 1 SET @dtEasterSunday = CONVERT(datetime,CAST(@inCurYear as varchar(4))+'-'+RIGHT(CAST('00' as varchar(2))+CAST(@inEastMonth+1 as varchar(2)),2)+'-'+RIGHT(CAST('00' as varchar(2))+CAST(@inEastDay as varchar(2)),2)+' 00:00:00') RETURN @dtEasterSunday END