Technical Article

SQLPS Meets the DMV's


The vb script will launch the powershell script which will prompt you for the1st part of the sql named instance name then second part as:

Prompt 1: MSQL1

Prompt 2: SQL_Instance1

SQL Named intance full name: MSSQL1\SQL_Instance1

You can just call the.ps1 file also but since I am a bit lazy these days...Enjoy !

#This is one line in the .ps1 file designed for a named instance capture
#edit the path that the sqlps script saves the file to match your work station.
#I use a .vbs script to launch the SQLPS shell  
#Currently I have a wrapper that remotely brings me 32 csv files in 15 seconds or less with a plethora of performance metrics to review.
#This is an example that fetches the Performance monitor Memory Manager counter and all the underlying objects.
$SQLServername = Read-Host "SQLServer Name to run the capture against?"
$SQLServerInstname = Read-Host "Instance Name to run the capture against?"
$ServerStamp = $SQLServername #+ "\" +$SQLServerInstname
invoke-sqlcmd -ServerInstance $SQLServerName\$SQLServerInstname -Database msdb –Query "Declare @sqlinstance varchar(25)
SELECT @sqlinstance = CONVERT(varCHAR(100), SERVERPROPERTY('instancename')) select * from sys.dm_os_performance_counters where object_name = 'MSSQL$' +@sqlinstance + ':Memory Manager'" | Export-Csv –path C:\KPMG_Scripting\powershell_dba\output\MemoryManager_$SQLServerName_$(get-date -f MM_dd_yyyy_HHmm)_$SQLServername.csv -notype

'VB Script has to be the same name as the .ps1 script, same directory and it launches the sqlps script with a click.
Option Explicit 
Dim oShell, appCmd 
Set oShell  = CreateObject("WScript.Shell") 
appCmd      = "sqlps -noexit &'" & Replace(WScript.ScriptFullName, ".vbs", ".ps1") & "'"
oShell.Run appCmd, 4, false


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