Run this on a SQL instance that has spatial data capabilities. Then check the Spatial Results tab
Run this on a SQL instance that has spatial data capabilities. Then check the Spatial Results tab
DECLARE @g TABLE (g GEOMETRY, ID INT IDENTITY(1,1)); -- Adjust Color INSERT INTO @g(g) SELECT TOP 29 CAST('POLYGON((0 0, 0 0.0000001, 0.0000001 0.0000001, 0 0))' as geometry) FROM sys.messages; -- Build Christmas Tree INSERT INTO @g(g) VALUES (CAST('POLYGON((120 60,800 60,450 780, 120 60 ))' as GEOMETRY)) INSERT INTO @g(g) VALUES (CAST('POLYGON((440 0,440 60, 460 60, 460 0, 440 0))' AS GEOMETRY)) -- Build a Star INSERT INTO @g(g) VALUES (CAST('POLYGON ((450 910, 465.716 861.631, 516.574 861.631, 475.429 831.738, 491.145 783.369, 450 813.262, 408.855 783.369, 424.571 831.738, 383.426 861.631, 434.284 861.631, 450 910))' as geometry)); SELECT g FROM @g ORDER BY ID; GO