Dynamic Sudoku for 3X3
Please use any Test database to execute this script, and if you written any better than this for the same output then please send it to me to: shivasssv@gmail.com
Use tempdb
if object_id(N'shivasp_sudokuRandom_3by3') is not null
drop procedure shivasp_sudokuRandom_3by3
create proc shivasp_sudokuRandom_3by3
set nocount on;
declare @intval tinyint= cast(rand() * 4 as tinyint)
declare @tbl table(id int identity,col1 tinyint,col2 tinyint,col3 tinyint)
insert into @tbl(col1)
select case when @intval=0 then @intval+1 else @intval end
update @tbl set col2= case when (select col1 from @tbl where id=1)=1 then 2 when (select col1 from @tbl where id=1)=2 then 3 when (select col1 from @tbl where id=1)=3 then 1 else 1 end where id=1 and col2 is null
update @tbl set col3= case when (select col2 from @tbl where id=1)=1 then 2 when (select col2 from @tbl where id=1)=2 then 3 when (select col2 from @tbl where id=1)=3 then 1 else 1 end where id=1 and col3 is null
insert into @tbl(col1)
select case when (select col1 from @tbl where id=1)=1 then 2 when (select col1 from @tbl where id=1)=2 then 3 when (select col1 from @tbl where id=1)=3 then 1 else 1 end
update @tbl set col2= case when (select col1 from @tbl where id=2)=1 then 2 when (select col1 from @tbl where id=2)=2 then 3 when (select col1 from @tbl where id=2)=3 then 1 else 1 end where id=2 and col2 is null
update @tbl set col3= case when (select col2 from @tbl where id=2)=1 then 2 when (select col2 from @tbl where id=2)=2 then 3 when (select col2 from @tbl where id=2)=3 then 1 else 1 end where id=2 and col3 is null
insert into @tbl(col1)
select case when (select col1 from @tbl where id=1)in(1,2) and (select col1 from @tbl where id=2)in(1,2) then 3
when (select col1 from @tbl where id=1)in(1,3) and (select col1 from @tbl where id=2)in(1,3) then 2
when (select col1 from @tbl where id=1)in(3,2) and (select col1 from @tbl where id=2)in(3,2) then 1 end
update @tbl set col2=(
select case when (select col2 from @tbl where id=1)in(1,2) and (select col2 from @tbl where id=2)in(1,2) then 3
when (select col2 from @tbl where id=1)in(1,3) and (select col2 from @tbl where id=2)in(1,3) then 2
when (select col2 from @tbl where id=1)in(3,2) and (select col2 from @tbl where id=2)in(3,2) then 1 end) where id=3 and col2 is null
update @tbl set col3=(
select case when (select col3 from @tbl where id=1)in(1,2) and (select col3 from @tbl where id=2)in(1,2) then 3
when (select col3 from @tbl where id=1)in(1,3) and (select col3 from @tbl where id=2)in(1,3) then 2
when (select col3 from @tbl where id=1)in(3,2) and (select col3 from @tbl where id=2)in(3,2) then 1 end) where id=3 and col3 is null
select col1,col2,col3 from @tbl
set nocount off;
exec shivasp_sudokuRandom_3by3