Copy the script to SSMS
Create the procedure
Run it
(Note: If required change the retention days)
EXEC [usp_retention_backup]
Copy the script to SSMS
Create the procedure
Run it
(Note: If required change the retention days)
EXEC [usp_retention_backup]
USE [db_maint] GO SET ANSI_NULLS ON GO SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON GO IF EXISTS ( SELECT * FROM sys.objects WHERE object_id = OBJECT_ID(N'usp_retention_backup') AND type = N'P') DROP PROCEDURE [usp_retention_backup]; GO --EXEC sp_configure 'xp_cmdshell', 1 --GO --RECONFIGURE --GO Create PROC [dbo].[usp_retention_backup] (@days AS VARCHAR(4) = 3 -- Pass number of days ) /******************************************************************************************************* **DESCRIPTION:DELETE BACKUP FILES FROM DEFAULT BACKUP LOCATION **WRITTEN BY:SM **DATE:13/03/2015 *** 1.No more hard code of the backup location. Instead it will extract the backup location from registry. 2. If in the registry the backupdirectory is not created, it will throw 3. Pass the right parameters which signifies the days before which you want to delete the backup files. For E.g. if @days = 3, it will delete all the backup files which are 3 days older than today's back. if @days = 0, the procedure will delete all backup files from the backup location. 4. It will tell you the count of the backup files deleted from the location by running this script. 5. If you want to retain any of the backup files from being removed, please change the extension of the backup files from ".BAK" to ".XXX" (XXX = Any other name) ****************************************************************************************************** ** RUNNING THE PROCEDURE INSTRUCTIONS... ** */ AS SET NOCOUNT ON BEGIN --BEGIN TRY DECLARE @backup_path nvarchar(2048); DECLARE @backupfile nvarchar(1000); DECLARE @BackupDirectory NVARCHAR(2048); --DECLARE @days AS VARCHAR(2) -- days for retention DECLARE @path AS VARCHAR(128) -- the path for deletion DECLARE @cmd AS VARCHAR(512) -- the actually command DECLARE @currentDateTime datetime; DECLARE @filename nvarchar(256); DECLARE @return_value INT; DECLARE @return_value1 INT; DECLARE @counter int; --DECLARE @min INT; --SET @currentDateTime = GetDate(); EXEC @return_value = MASTER..XP_INSTANCE_REGREAD @rootkey = 'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE', @key = 'SOFTWARE\MICROSOFT\MSSQLSERVER\MSSQLSERVER', @value_name = 'BackupDirectory', @BackupDirectory = @BackupDirectory OUTPUT ; SET @backup_path = (SELECT @BackupDirectory AS [SQL Server default backup Value]) select @backup_path as "Backup Path" --SELECT @backup_path -- If the backup path has a "\" at the end, then remove it, as it will not work to delete files per the syntax of forfiles. IF (SELECT RIGHT(@backup_path,1) ) ='\' BEGIN SET @backup_path = LEFT(@backup_path, LEN(@backup_path) - 1) END ELSE select @backup_path as "Backup Path" IF @return_value 0 -- It's a failure BEGIN PRINT 'Unable to retrieve a valid Backup directory from Registry' --RETURN(1) --Exits unconditionally from a query or procedure RETURN @@ERROR END -- Query to check number of backup files in the location. IF OBJECT_ID('#DirOutput') IS NOT NULL DROP TABLE #DirOutput; DECLARE @cmd1 nvarchar(500), @count1 INT; SET @cmd1 = 'dir ' +@backup_path+' /A:A' --PRINT @cmd1 CREATE TABLE #DirOutput( files varchar(500)) INSERT INTO #DirOutput EXEC master.dbo.xp_cmdshell @cmd1 SELECT @count1 = COUNT(*) FROM #DirOutput WHERE files LIKE '[0-9][0-9]/%' SELECT @count1 'Number of Backup Files before delete' DROP TABLE #DirOutput --SET @days = '3' -- change the days here, remember it is type VARCHAR --SET @days = @days; SET @cmd = 'forfiles /P "' + @backup_path + '" /s /m *.bak /d -' + @days + ' /c "cmd /c del @path"' -- forfiles /P "I:\BACKUP\UAT\" /S /M *.bak /D -3 /C "cmd /c del @PATH" --Print @cmd EXEC @return_value1 = master.dbo.xp_cmdshell @cmd --PRINT @return_value1 IF @return_value1=0 BEGIN --SELECT @@ROWCOUNT AS DELETED; --PRINT @backup_path SELECT 'BACKUP FILES ARE SUCCESSFULLY DROPPED FROM SERVER: ' + @@SERVERNAME; -- Query to check number of backup files in the location. --PRINT @backup_path IF OBJECT_ID('#DirOutput10') IS NOT NULL DROP TABLE #DirOutput10 DECLARE @cmd10 nvarchar(500), @count10 INT, @files10 INT; SET @cmd10 = 'dir ' +@backup_path+' /A:A' --PRINT @cmd10 --PRINT @cmd1 CREATE TABLE #DirOutput10( files varchar(500)) INSERT INTO #DirOutput10 EXEC master.dbo.xp_cmdshell @cmd10 SELECT @count10 = COUNT(*) FROM #DirOutput10 WHERE files LIKE '[0-9][0-9]/%' SET @files10= @count1 - @count10; SELECT @files10 'Number of Backup Deleted'; DROP TABLE #DirOutput10 END ELSE RETURN @@ERROR SET NOCOUNT OFF END GO SET ANSI_NULLS OFF GO SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER OFF GO