This sql script will give you thorough report about sql server jobs based on historical data.
The user can change the dates to narrow down the stats.
Make sure you are monitoring DB health specially when you running it against PRODUCTION DBs.
This sql script will give you thorough report about sql server jobs based on historical data.
The user can change the dates to narrow down the stats.
Make sure you are monitoring DB health specially when you running it against PRODUCTION DBs.
SELECT sJobHis.[server], sJobStep.database_name,, SJob.enabled, CASE WHEN SJob.enabled = 0 THEN '0' WHEN sJobStep.subsystem = 'TSQL' AND sJobStep.command LIKE '%--%' AND AVG(CAST(SUBSTRING(STUFF( STUFF(RIGHT('000000' + CAST([sJobHis].[run_duration] AS VARCHAR(6)), 6) , 3, 0, ':') , 6, 0, ':') ,7,2) AS INT)) < 1 THEN '0' WHEN sJobStep.subsystem = 'TSQL' AND sJobStep.command LIKE '%*/%' AND AVG(CAST(SUBSTRING(STUFF( STUFF(RIGHT('000000' + CAST([sJobHis].[run_duration] AS VARCHAR(6)), 6) , 3, 0, ':') , 6, 0, ':') ,7,2) AS INT)) < 1 THEN '0' ELSE '1' END AS [ActiveStep], [JobOwner], sJobHis.step_id, sJobHis.step_name, sJobStep.subsystem AS [CommandType], sJobStep.command AS [Command], sJobHis.run_date, [sJobSch].next_run_time AS [Scheduled_Time], --sJobHis.run_time, --sJobHis.run_duration, AVG( CAST( SUBSTRING(STUFF( STUFF(RIGHT('000000' + CAST([sJobHis].[run_duration] AS VARCHAR(6)), 6) , 3, 0, ':') , 6, 0, ':') ,4,2)AS INT)) AS [AvgRunDuration_In_Min], AVG(CAST(SUBSTRING(STUFF( STUFF(RIGHT('000000' + CAST([sJobHis].[run_duration] AS VARCHAR(6)), 6) , 3, 0, ':') , 6, 0, ':') ,7,2) AS INT)) AS [AvgRunDuration_In_Sec], COUNT(*) AS [PerDay] FROM sysjobs AS [SJob] LEFT JOIN sysjobhistory AS [sJobHis] ON SJob.job_id = sJobHis.job_id LEFT JOIN sysjobsteps AS [sJobStep] ON sJobHis.job_id = sJobStep.job_id AND sJobHis.step_id = sJobStep.step_id INNER JOIN master.dbo.syslogins [sLogin] ON SJob.owner_sid = sLogin.sid INNER JOIN dbo.sysjobschedules [sJobSch] ON SJob.job_id = [sJobSch].job_id WHERE SJob.[enabled]=0 OR ( sJobHis.step_id > 0 AND (sJobHis.run_date > 20131002 AND sJobHis.run_date < 20131005)) GROUP BY sJobHis.[server], sJobStep.database_name,, SJob.enabled, , sJobHis.step_id, sJobHis.step_name, sJobStep.subsystem , sJobStep.command , sJobHis.run_date, [sJobSch].next_run_time ORDER BY SJob.enabled DESC,, sJobHis.run_date DESC