Found this lovely T-SQL script to display the SELECT statement for any table.
Please replace the "'TABLE_NAME" in the script with your Table Name.
E&OE - Other variations of this script might be existing too.
Found this lovely T-SQL script to display the SELECT statement for any table.
Please replace the "'TABLE_NAME" in the script with your Table Name.
E&OE - Other variations of this script might be existing too.
----------------------------------------------- --Display the SELECT Statement for any Table-- ----------------------------------------------- DECLARE @mStrColumns VARCHAR(8000) , @mStrTable VARCHAR(100) SET @mStrTable ='TABLE_NAME' -- SELECT @mStrColumns = COALESCE(@mStrColumns + ', ', '') + '[' + CAST(SC.[NAME] AS VARCHAR(100) ) +']' FROM [SYSCOLUMNS] SC JOIN [SYSOBJECTS] SO ON SC.ID = SO.ID WHERE SC.STATUS <> COALESCE (NULL ,SC.STATUS+1) AND SO.NAME = @mStrTable -- SELECT 'SELECT ' + @mStrColumns + ' FROM ' + @mStrTable RESULTS ---------- --- OR --- ---------- You can try the following if you want the Schema name to be included too. DECLARE @mStrColumns VARCHAR(8000) , @mStrTable VARCHAR(100) SET @mStrTable ='TABLE_NAME' -- SELECT @mStrColumns = COALESCE(@mStrColumns + ', ', '') + '[' + CAST(SC.[NAME] AS VARCHAR(100) ) +']' , @mStrTable = schema_Name(schema_id) + '.' + SO.NAME FROM [SYSCOLUMNS] SC JOIN SYS.OBJECTS SO ON SC.ID = SO.object_ID WHERE SC.STATUS <> COALESCE (NULL ,SC.STATUS+1) AND SO.NAME = @mStrTable -- SELECT 'SELECT ' + @mStrColumns + ' FROM ' + @mStrTable RESULTS Please replace the "'TABLE_NAME" in the script with your Table Name.