Stored Procedures Performance
The output includes the following columns:
Column Name | Description |
DBName | Database Name |
SPName | Name of the stored procedure |
SecondsAgo | Seconds since the sp was last executed |
LastExecDate | The last execution time |
ReadableTime | Average time in readable format (hh:mm:ss) |
AvgTimeMS | Average execution duration of the sp in milliseconds. |
AvgTimeCPU | Average cpu usage |
LastTimeMS | Last execution duration of the sp in milliseconds. |
MinTimeMS | Minimum execution duration of the sp in milliseconds. |
TotalTimeMS | Total execution duration of the sp in milliseconds. |
ExecPerSecond | The rate sp is executed per second. |
TotalExecCount | Total execution count of the sp. |
LastWorkerCPU | Last cpu usage |
LastPReads | Last physical read count |
MaxPReads | Maximum physical read count |
LastLWrites | Last logical write count |
LastLReads | Last logical read count |
You can reset the counters any time by using the following statement:
SELECT DB_NAME(database_id) DBName,
OBJECT_NAME(object_id) SPName,
datediff(second, last_execution_time, getdate()) SecondsAgo,
last_execution_time LastExecDate,
CASE WHEN execution_count = 0 THEN '--' ELSE
RIGHT('0'+convert(varchar(5),((total_elapsed_time/(1000000*execution_count))%60)),2) END ReadableTime,
CASE WHEN execution_count= 0 THEN 0 ELSE total_elapsed_time/(1000*execution_count) END AvgTimeMS,
CASE WHEN execution_count= 0 THEN 0 ELSE total_worker_time/(1000*execution_count) END AvgTimeCPU,
last_elapsed_time/1000 LastTimeMS,
min_elapsed_time/1000 MinTimeMS,
total_elapsed_time/1000 TotalTimeMS,
CASE WHEN DATEDIFF(second, s.cached_time, GETDATE()) < 1 THEN 0 ELSE
cast(execution_count as decimal) / cast(DATEDIFF(second, s.cached_time, GETDATE()) as decimal) END ExecPerSecond,
execution_count TotalExecCount,
last_worker_time/1000 LastWorkerCPU,
last_physical_reads LastPReads,
max_physical_reads MaxPReads,
last_logical_writes LastLWrites,
last_logical_reads LastLReads
FROM sys.dm_exec_procedure_stats s
WHERE database_id = DB_ID()
AND last_execution_time > dateadd(day, -7, getdate())
ORDER BY 6 desc, 3