Use this code to find the last day of the month using your DateTime value.
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Use this code to find the last day of the month using your DateTime value.
/* =============================================================*//* Find number of days in month for a selected date *//* By Mariana Maas *//*--------------------------------------------------------------*//* Method: *//* - Create the date with the first day of the selected date *//* - Add a month using the DATEADD function *//* => now you have the first day of the next month *//* - Subtract 1 day using the DATEADD function *//* => now you have the last day of the current month *//* - select the day and wallah! */ /*==============================================================*/ -->> The following code has been broken down into steps with print statements in between, so the logic behind it can be shown, it can all go into one statement (see bottom) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DECLARE @mydate DATETIME ,@workStr DATETIME SET @mydate = '2008-02-24' --> find first day of month SET @workStr = CAST( CAST(YEAR(@mydate) AS VARCHAR(04)) + RIGHT( ('0' + CAST(MONTH(@mydate) AS VARCHAR(02))) , 2 ) + '01' AS DATETIME) PRINT @workStr --> Add a month to find first day of following month, then subtract a day to get last day of current month, extract the day SELECT DAY( DATEADD ( DAY, -1, DATEADD(MONTH,1,@workStr))) -->> Code in one statement: --------------------------- SELECT DAY( DATEADD --<< 4. Extract the last day ( DAY, -1, --<< 3. Find last day of current month DATEADD(MONTH,1, --<< 2. Find first day of next month CAST( CAST( --<< 1. Find first day of the current month YEAR(CURRENT_TIMESTAMP) AS VARCHAR(04)) + RIGHT( ('0' + CAST(MONTH(CURRENT_TIMESTAMP) AS VARCHAR(02))) , 2 ) + '01' AS DATETIME) ) ) )