This script will get the schema for a stored procedure or function from the system tables.
Set the @Routine variable to the value of the object whose schema you are looking for.
This script will get the schema for a stored procedure or function from the system tables.
Set the @Routine variable to the value of the object whose schema you are looking for.
CREATE Function [dbo].[ftGetRoutineSchema](@RoutineName varchar(200)) returns table as return --declare @routineName varchar(100);select @routineName='ftGetBom4Excel' SELECT ColumnName=Case Is_Result When 'YES' then '@RC' else Parameter_Name end ,DataType= case Data_Type When 'DECIMAL' then 'Decimal('+convert(varchar,Numeric_precision)+','+Convert(varchar,Numeric_scale)+')' When 'numeric' then 'Decimal('+convert(varchar,Numeric_precision)+','+Convert(varchar,Numeric_scale)+')' when 'varchar' then 'Varchar('+Convert(varchar,Character_maximum_length)+')' ELSE dATA_TYPE end ,ColumnOrder=Ordinal_Position ,Direction =Case Parameter_Mode when 'INOUT' then 'Out' else Parameter_Mode end FROM --INFORMATION_SCHEMA.ROUTINE_cOLUMNS Information_schema.Parameters --WHERE TABLE_NAME=@routineName --order by columnorder Where Specific_name=@ROUTINEnAME