CRUD generator
Often times DBA's are tasked with creating simple create, read, update, and delete stored procedures and scripts. I created a script to quickly generate the T-SQL for CRUD statements in an easy to read formatted output. This will give a DBA a good starting point to easily generate a template for CRUD statements.
How to use
Enter the name of the defined table as the @TableName parameter to generate the CRUD statements against. Choose the type of CRUD statement for the @TypeOfCrud parameter and there is a key listed as a comment in the script. If using parameters for the insert statement then set @Parameters equal to 1 if not using parameters for the insert statement then set @Parameters equal to 0.
set nocount on
Author :Ryan Foote
***********************************************************************************************************************/declare @TableName varchar(100)
,@SQL1 varchar(2000)
,@SQL2 varchar(2000)
,@SQL3 varchar(2000)
,@SQL4 varchar(2000)
,@SQL5 varchar(2000)
,@SQL6 varchar(2000)
,@Parameters int
,@TypeOfCrud int--1 = Insert, 2 = Update, 3 = Read, 4 = Delete, 5 = All
select @TableName = '' --<<Enter the name of the table
,@Parameters = 0 --<< If using parameters for the insert statement then use 1 if not then use 0
,@TypeOfCrud = 5
declare @FinalSelect table
declare @HeaderSelect table
(HeaderID int
,[--SelectText] varchar(2000))
if object_id('tempdb..#ParameterTable') is not NULL
drop table #ParameterTable
create table #ParameterTable
(ParameterName varchar(40)
,DataType varchar(20)
,Nullability varchar(10))
if (@TypeOfCrud = 1 or @TypeOfCrud = 5)
select @SQL1 = 'select case when C1.Ordinal_Position = C3.MinOrdinalPosition
then ''Insert into dbo.' + @TableName + '('' else '' '' end +
case when C1.Ordinal_Position = C3.MinOrdinalPosition then + Char(10) + '' ''
else '','' end + Column_Name +
case when C1.Ordinal_Position = C2.MaxOrdinalPosition then '')''
else '' '' end
from Information_schema.columns C1
join (select max(Ordinal_Position) MaxOrdinalPosition
from Information_schema.columns
group by table_name) C2
on C1.Table_Name = C2.Table_Name
join (select min(Ordinal_Position) MinOrdinalPosition
from Information_Schema.columns
where ColumnProperty(object_id(Table_Name), Column_Name, ''IsIdentity'') <> 1
group by table_name) C3
on C1.Table_Name = C3.Table_Name
where C1.table_name = ''' + @TableName + '''
and ColumnProperty(object_id(C1.Table_Name), C1.Column_Name, ''IsIdentity'') <> 1
order by C1.ordinal_position'
if @Parameters = 0
select @SQL2 = 'select case when Ordinal_Position = C3.MinOrdinalPosition
then ''Select'' else '' '' end +
case when Ordinal_Position = C3.MinOrdinalPosition then '' ''
else '','' end + Column_Name +
case when Ordinal_Position = C2.MaxOrdinalPosition then + Char(10) + '' from dbo.' + @TableName + '''
else '' '' end
from Information_schema.columns C1
join (select max(Ordinal_Position) MaxOrdinalPosition
from Information_schema.columns
group by table_name) C2
on C1.Table_Name = C2.Table_Name
join (select min(Ordinal_Position) MinOrdinalPosition
from Information_Schema.columns
where ColumnProperty(object_id(Table_Name), Column_Name, ''IsIdentity'') <> 1
group by table_name) C3
on C1.Table_Name = C3.Table_Name
where C1.table_name = ''' + @TableName + '''
and ColumnProperty(object_id(C1.Table_Name), C1.Column_Name, ''IsIdentity'') <> 1
order by C1.ordinal_position'
if @TypeOfCrud in (1, 2, 5)
select @SQL6 = ('insert into #ParameterTable(ParameterName, DataType, Nullability)
select case when C1.Ordinal_Position = C2.MinOrdinalPosition then ''Declare''
else ''''
+ case when C1.Ordinal_Position <> C2.MinOrdinalPosition then '' ,'' else '' '' end +
''@'' + Column_Name
+ case when character_maximum_length is NULL and Data_Type <> ''Decimal'' then ''''
when character_maximum_length is not NULL then '''' + ''('' + cast(character_maximum_length as varchar(10))+ '')''
when Data_Type = ''Decimal'' then ''('' + cast(Numeric_Precision as varchar(10)) + '','' + cast(Numeric_Scale as varchar(10))+ '')''
,case when is_nullable = ''yes'' then ''NULL''
when is_nullable = ''no'' then ''NOT NULL''
from information_schema.columns C1
join (select min(Ordinal_Position) MinOrdinalPosition
from Information_Schema.columns
where ColumnProperty(object_id(Table_Name), Column_Name, ''IsIdentity'') <> 1
group by table_name) C2
on C1.Table_Name = C2.Table_Name
where C1.table_name = ''' + @TableName + '''
and ColumnProperty(object_id(C1.Table_Name), C1.Column_Name, ''IsIdentity'') <> 1
order by C1.Ordinal_Position')
if @Parameters = 1 and @TypeOfCrud in (1, 5)
select @SQL2 = 'select case when Ordinal_Position = C3.MinOrdinalPosition then ''Values('' else '' '' end +
case when Ordinal_Position = C3.MinOrdinalPosition then ''@''
else '',@'' end + Column_Name +
case when Ordinal_Position = C2.MaxOrdinalPosition then '')'' else '''' end
from Information_schema.columns C1
join (select max(Ordinal_Position) MaxOrdinalPosition
from Information_schema.columns
group by table_name) C2
on C1.Table_Name = C2.Table_Name
join (select min(Ordinal_Position) MinOrdinalPosition
from Information_Schema.columns
where ColumnProperty(object_id(Table_Name), Column_Name, ''IsIdentity'') <> 1
group by table_name) C3
on C1.Table_Name = C3.Table_Name
where C1.table_name = ''' + @TableName + '''
and ColumnProperty(object_id(C1.Table_Name), C1.Column_Name, ''IsIdentity'') <> 1
order by C1.ordinal_position'
if (@TypeOfCrud = 2 or @TypeOfCrud = 5)
declare @PrimaryKey varchar(50)
select @PrimaryKey = CCU.Column_Name
from Information_Schema.Constraint_Column_Usage CCU
join Information_Schema.Table_Constraints TC
on CCU.Constraint_Name = TC.Constraint_Name
where TC.Table_Name = @TableName
and TC.Constraint_Type = 'Primary Key'
select @SQL3 = 'select case when Ordinal_Position = C3.MinOrdinalPosition then ''Update dbo.' + @TableName + ''' + Char(10) + ''set ''
else '' ''
+ case when Ordinal_Position = C3.MinOrdinalPosition then '''' + Column_Name else + '' '' + '','' + Column_Name end
+ '' = '' + ''@'' + Column_Name +
+ case when Ordinal_Position = C2.MaxOrdinalPosition
then '''' + Char(10) + '''' + ''where '' + ''' + @PrimaryKey + ''' + '' = '' + ''@'' + ''' + @PrimaryKey + '''
else ''''
from Information_schema.columns C1
join (select max(Ordinal_Position) MaxOrdinalPosition
from Information_schema.columns
group by table_name) C2
on C1.Table_Name = C2.Table_Name
join (select min(Ordinal_Position) MinOrdinalPosition
from Information_Schema.columns
where ColumnProperty(object_id(Table_Name), Column_Name, ''IsIdentity'') <> 1
group by table_name) C3
on C1.Table_Name = C3.Table_Name
where C1.table_name = ''' + @TableName + '''
and ColumnProperty(object_id(C1.Table_Name), C1.Column_Name, ''IsIdentity'') <> 1
order by C1.ordinal_position'
select [--SelectText]
from @HeaderSelect
select ParameterName as '--Parameter Name'
,DataType as '--DataType'
from #ParameterTable
exec (@SQL3)
if (@TypeOfCrud = 3 or @TypeOfCrud = 5)
select @SQL4 = 'select case when Ordinal_Position = 1 then ''Select'' else '' '' end +
case when Ordinal_Position = 1 then '' ''
else '','' end + Column_Name +
case when Ordinal_Position = C2.MaxOrdinalPosition then + Char(10) + '' from dbo.' + @TableName + '''
else '' '' end
from Information_schema.columns C1
join (select max(Ordinal_Position) MaxOrdinalPosition
from Information_schema.columns
group by table_name) C2
on C1.Table_Name = C2.Table_Name
where C1.table_name = ''' + @TableName + '''
order by C1.ordinal_position'
select [--SelectText]
from @HeaderSelect
exec (@SQL4)
if (@TypeOfCrud = 4 or @TypeOfCrud = 5)
select @PrimaryKey = CCU.Column_Name
from Information_Schema.Constraint_Column_Usage CCU
join Information_Schema.Table_Constraints TC
on CCU.Constraint_Name = TC.Constraint_Name
where TC.Table_Name = @TableName
and TC.Constraint_Type = 'Primary Key'
select @SQL5 = 'Delete from dbo.' + @TableName + '
where ' + @PrimaryKey + ' = '
select [--SelectText]
from @HeaderSelect
select @SQL5
if isnull(@SQL1, '') <> ''
insert into @FinalSelect([--SelectText])
exec (@SQL1)
if isnull(@SQL2, '') <> ''
insert into @FinalSelect([--SelectText])
if (select count(*) from @FinalSelect) > 0
select [--SelectText]
from @HeaderSelect
if exists(select 1 from #ParameterTable) and @Parameters = 1
select ParameterName as '--Paramter Name'
,DataType as '--DataType'
from #ParameterTable
select [--SelectText] as '--Insert'
from @FinalSelect