Hi Friends,
This script Generates the insert statements for a particular table.
1. First run Execute script
2. Execute spInsertStatement '<TABLE_NAME>'
Thanks for reading it.
I M Waiting for ur valuable suggestions,
Vinay Kumar
Hi Friends,
This script Generates the insert statements for a particular table.
1. First run Execute script
2. Execute spInsertStatement '<TABLE_NAME>'
Thanks for reading it.
I M Waiting for ur valuable suggestions,
Vinay Kumar
IF EXISTS (SELECT 1 from sysobjects where name ='spInsertStatement' and xtype ='P') DROP procedure spInsertStatement GO /************************************************************************************************* Procedure Name :: spInsertStatement Creadted by :: Vinay K Purpose :: Genterate the insert statement for existing table *************************************************************************************************/ Create procedure [dbo].[spInsertStatement] @tbname varchar(200) = '' --- Table name ,@ISPRNExist bit = 0 ---- Print IF Exists statement ,@cehckCol varchar(500) = '' -- column which used in IF Exists statement as set nocount on ----Declare @tbname varchar(88) ----set @tbname ='employee_mas' IF NOT EXISTS(Select 1 from sysobjects where name = @tbname and xtype = 'U') BEGIN print 'ENTER VALID TABLE NAME' RETURN END IF NOT EXISTS(Select 1 from syscolumns where name = @cehckCol and id =object_id(@tbname)) and (@cehckCol!='') BEGIN print 'ENTER VALID COLUMN NAME' RETURN END declare @str varchar(8000) Declare @colstat bit declare @colname varchar(200) declare @colstring varchar(8000) declare @Colvalue varchar(2000) declare @fetch_status int declare @insertstring varchar(8000) declare @collen int declare @inidcount int Declare @maxinidcount int set @colstring='' set @colstat = 0 set @fetch_status=0 ---------------------------------------- --if exists(select * from sysobjects where id=object_id(N'[dbo].[#tmptable]') and objectproperty(id,'ISTABLE')=1) --drop table [dbo].[#tmptable] set @str = ' /********************************************************************************** Insert statements for Table :: '+ @tbname+' **********************************************************************************/ ' print (@str) if (select max(colstat) from syscolumns where id = object_id(@tbname)) = 1 set @colstat = 1 if (@colstat = 1) BEGIN print 'SET IDENTITY_INSERT ' +@tbname + ' on' print 'GO' END --------- chose any one --declare table #tmptable (colid int identity(1,1),colname varchar(200),colxtype int,coltype varchar(100),colstatus int) --or create table #tmptable ( colid int identity(1,1), colname varchar(200), colxtype int, coltype varchar(100), colstatus int ) --set @str='insert into #tmptable (colname,colxtype) select [name],[system_type_id] from sys.columns where [object_id]=object_id(N'''+'[dbo].[' +@tbname + ']'')' --This statement for SQL 2000 --set @Str = ' insert into #tmptable (colname,colxtype,coltype) select sys.columns.[name],sys.columns.[system_type_id],sys.types.[name] from sys.columns left join sys.types on sys.columns.[system_type_id] = sys.types.[system_type_id] where [object_id]=object_id(N'''+'[dbo].[' +@tbname + ']'') and sys.types.system_type_id=sys.types.user_type_id and sys.types.system_type_id=sys.types.user_type_id and sys.columns.typestat=1' -- This statement for SQL 2005 set @Str = ' insert into #tmptable (colname,colxtype,coltype) select syscolumns.[name],syscolumns.[xtype],systypes.[name] from syscolumns left join systypes on syscolumns.[xtype] = systypes.[xtype] where ID=object_id(N'''+'[dbo].[' +@tbname + ']'') and systypes.[xtype]=systypes.xusertype --and systypes.system_type_id=systypes.user_type_id and systypes.[xtype] != 189 order by colid ' -- select sys.columns.[name],sys.columns.[system_type_id],sys.types.[name] from sys.columns left join sys.types on sys.columns.[system_type_id] = sys.types.[system_type_id] where [object_id]=object_id(N'''+'[dbo].[' +@tbname + ']'') and sys.types.system_type_id=sys.types.user_type_id and sys.types.system_type_id=sys.types.user_type_id and sys.types.user_type_id != 189 exec (@str) --select * from #tmptable --return update #tmptable set colstatus=1 where colxtype in (58,61,99,165,167,173,175,231,239) --9 update #tmptable set colstatus=0 where colxtype in (34,35,36,48,52,56,59,60,62,98,104,106,108,122,127) --15 /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------- This cursor is used to get the column name from the #tmptable tables. ------------------------------Start Cursor----------------------------------*/ Declare @colstatus int if (substring(@@version,29,1) = 9) Declare @SelectStr varchar(max) -- For sql 2005 --if (substring(@@version,29,1) = 8) -- Declare @SelectStr varchar(8000) -- For sql 2000 declare datatype cursor for select colname, colstatus from #tmptable select @SelectStr = null open datatype fetch NEXT from datatype into @colname,@colstatus while @@fetch_status = 0 begin if @fetch_status=0 set @colstring =@colname else set @colstring = @colstring+','+@colname if @colstatus = 1 -- set @SelectStr = isnull(@SelectStr,'') + ',' + '''' + @colname + '''' set @SelectStr= case When @SelectStr is null then '' else @SelectStr + '+'',''+' end + '''''''''+ ' + 'cast(ISNULL(' + @colname + ',0) as varchar(250)) ' + '+''''''''' else --set @SelectStr = isnull(@SelectStr,'') + ',' + @colname set @SelectStr = case When @SelectStr is null then '' else @SelectStr + '+'',''+' end + 'cast (ISNULL(' + @colname + ',0) as varchar(250)) ' --print '@selectstr='+ @selectstr fetch NEXT from datatype into @colname,@colstatus set @fetch_status=1 end close datatype deallocate datatype /*---End Cursor---*/ --set @insert_string = 'insert into '+ @tbname + ' ( ' + @colstring + ')' + ' values (' --print @insert_string --set @SelectStr = 'Select ' + @SelectStr + ' From ' + @tbname if exists(select * from sysobjects where id=object_id(N'[dbo].[TMPSELTABLE]') and objectproperty(id,'ISTABLE')=1) drop table [dbo].[TMPSELTABLE] create table TMPSELTABLE (inid int identity(1,1), SelStr varchar(MAX)) if exists(select * from sysobjects where id=object_id(N'[dbo].[TM]') and objectproperty(id,'ISTABLE')=1) drop table [dbo].[TM] set @SelectStr = 'Select ' +@SelectStr + ' as Sel into TM From ' + @tbname exec (@SelectStr) insert into TMPSELTABLE (SelStr) select Sel from TM if (@cehckCol= '' ) BEGIN if (@colstat = 1) select @cehckCol = name from syscolumns where id =Object_id(@tbname) and colstat = 1 END else BEGIN select @cehckCol from syscolumns where id =Object_id(@tbname) and colid = (select top 1 min(colid) from syscolumns where id =Object_id(@tbname) group by colid ) END ------------------- cursor that's show the insert statement --------------- set @inidcount = 1 select @maxinidcount = max(inid) from TMPSELTABLE while (@inidcount <= @maxinidcount) BEGIN update TMPSELTABLE set SelStr = replace((replace((replace(substring(selstr,1,len(selstr)-1),'''','''''')),',''''',',''')),''''',',''',')+'''' where inid = @inidcount set @str = '' select @insertstring = SelStr ,@colvalue = substring(selstr,1,patindex('%,%',selstr) -1 ) from TMPSELTABLE Where inid = @inidcount IF (@ISPRNExist = 1) BEGIN set @str = 'IF NOT EXISTS (Select 1 from '+ @tbname + ' where '+@cehckCol+' = '+ @Colvalue +')' -- set @str ='TESTING' END set @str = @str+' insert into '+ @tbname + ' (' + @colstring + ')' + ' values ('+@insertstring + ') ' print (@str) Set @inidcount = @inidcount + 1 END drop table #tmptable drop table TMPSELTABLE --drop table #colstring --------------------------- OK IF (@colstat = 1) BEGIN print 'GO' print 'SET IDENTITY_INSERT ' +@tbname + ' off' print 'GO' END set nocount off ------@tbname varchar(200) = '' --- Table name ------@ISPRNExist bit = o ---- Print IF Exists statement ------@cehckCol varchar(500) = '' -- column which used in IF Exists statement ----Execute spInsertStatement 'Employee'