Input your DB Name in the place of "Enter_Your_DB_NAME_Here" in the Script and Execute it.
The Output will List you all the connections before the Kill Process and lists the Connections that are established after Kill Process.
Input your DB Name in the place of "Enter_Your_DB_NAME_Here" in the Script and Execute it.
The Output will List you all the connections before the Kill Process and lists the Connections that are established after Kill Process.
/********** Powered By : VAMPIRE **********************/SET NOCOUNT ON DECLARE @SpId INT,@DbId INT,@Connects INT,@KillStmt VARCHAR(40) /**/SET @DbId=DB_ID('Enter_Your_DB_NAME_Here') /* Set the Database Name here*/ SELECT @SpId =MIN(SpId),@Connects=COUNT(SpId) FROM MASTER.SYS.SYSPROCESSES (NOLOCK) WHERE DbId=@DbId SELECT LogiName,* FROM MASTER.SYS.SYSPROCESSES (NOLOCK) WHERE DbId=@DbId PRINT 'There are Currently '+ CAST(@Connects AS CHAR(3)) +' Sessions connected to the " '+ DB_NAME(@DbId)+'" Database' WHILE @SpId IS NOT NULL BEGIN SET @KillStmt='KILL '+ CAST(@SpId AS CHAR(3)) EXEC(@KillStmt) SELECT @SpId =MIN(SpId) FROM MASTER.SYS.SYSPROCESSES (NOLOCK) WHERE DbId=@DbId AND SpId>@SpId SELECT @Connects=COUNT(SpId) FROM MASTER.SYS.SYSPROCESSES (NOLOCK) WHERE DbId=@DbId END PRINT ' Killed all the Connections to the said Database' + CHAR(13) SELECT @Connects=COUNT(SpId) FROM MASTER.SYS.SYSPROCESSES (NOLOCK) WHERE DbId=@DbId PRINT ' The Present Connections to this Database are: ' + CAST(@Connects AS CHAR(3)) SELECT LogiName,* FROM MASTER.SYS.SYSPROCESSES (NOLOCK) WHERE DbId=@DbId