-- to test you just need to copy the script and paste it into the query analyzer. it automatically goes to the
--tempdb, creates a table there, insert some recors, one of them duplicated, and later it shows the duplicated record. easy peasy
-- to test you just need to copy the script and paste it into the query analyzer. it automatically goes to the
--tempdb, creates a table there, insert some recors, one of them duplicated, and later it shows the duplicated record. easy peasy
use tempdb /*--------------------------------------------------------------------*\ This example show how to find duplicated rows in a table To have a look, just paste the code into Query Analyzer Marcello Miorelli 15/05/08 Thursday \*--------------------------------------------------------------------*/ if exists (select * from dbo.sysobjects where id = object_id(N't1') and OBJECTPROPERTY(id, N'IsUserTable') = 1) begin drop table t1 end /*if*/ --the original table create table t1 ( y integer, x char(15) ) go insert into t1 (y,x) values (1,'krishna') insert into t1 (y,x) values (2,'govinda') insert into t1 (y,x) values (3,'madhava') insert into t1 (y,x) values (4,'nrisimha') insert into t1 (y,x) values (1,'krishna') --adding an identity row to table ALTER TABLE t1 add rowid int identity(1,1) go -- i will show the duplicate y s select t.* from t1 t inner join t1 m on t.y = m.y and t.rowid <> m.rowid go --then I can remove the identity row ALTER TABLE t1 DROP COLUMN rowid go alter table t1 add z integer not null default 0 go