Script Table Data to Insert Statements
This script will create a series of insert statements for a given table. It does not support every single data type in every way and has some limitations. If you add any enhancements, please send them to me at so I can update it here.
Update (28 Feb 2005): Added support/Fixed bug with smalldatetime type. Contributed by Bob Wiechman. Thanks Bob!
Update (13 Dec 2005): Corrected support of uniqueidentifiers, added automatic identity detection, added filtering of output, added more detail in debug mode. Contributed by Richard Lesh. Thanks Richard!
Use this script to create insert statements for each row in the specified table.
1. Set the database you want to script from as normal.
2. change the set @TableName = '<YourTableName>' line to be the
table you want to script out.
3. Run the script and copy all the text from the results below
the line with all the dashes (----).
If you get the error message "Invalid object name '<YourTableName>'."
then you either forgot to set the correct database or you spelled
your table name wrong
Bob Wiechman - Fix for smalldatetime support
Richard Lesh - correct support of uniqueidentifiers, automatic
setting of Identity off/on, add Where clause support, more detail in
debug mode.
declare @TableName sysname
declare @WhereClause varchar(1024)
declare @IdentityInsert int
declare @ColName sysname
declare @ColType tinyint
declare @ColStatus tinyint
declare @DebugMode bit
declare @ColList nvarchar(4000)
declare @ValList nvarchar(4000)
declare @SQL1 nvarchar(1000)
declare @SQL2 nchar(10)
declare @SQL3 nchar(1000)
set @TableName = '<YourTableName>' -- '<YourTableName>'
set @WhereClause = '' -- limit scope of inserts
set @DebugMode = 0 -- set to 1 if you only want a script
set @IdentityInsert = 0 -- set to 1 if you want to force IDENTITY_INSERT statements
set @ColList = ''
set @ValList = ''
set @SQL1 = 'select replace(''insert into ' + @TableName + ' ('
set @SQL2 = ') values ('
set @SQL3 = ')'', ''''''null'''''', ''null'') from ' + @TableName
if @DebugMode = 1 print '-- StmtShell: ' + @sql1 + @sql2 + @sql3
declare csrColumns cursor local fast_forward for
select, c.xtype, c.status
from syscolumns c
inner join sysobjects o
on =
where = @TableName
and o.xtype in ('U', 'S')
order by ColID
open csrColumns
fetch next from csrColumns into @ColName, @ColType, @ColStatus
while @@fetch_status = 0
set @ColList = @ColList + ' ' + @ColName
if @ColType in (173, 104, 106, 62, 56, 60, 108, 59, 52, 122, 48, 165) -- numeric types (nulls not supported yet)
set @ValList = @ValList + ' ''+convert(varchar(200),' + @ColName + ')+'''
else if @ColType in (175, 239, 231, 231, 167) -- uid and string types
set @ValList = @ValList + ' ''''''+isnull(' + @ColName + ',''null'')+'''''''
else if @ColType in (58, 61) -- dates (nulls not supported yet)
set @ValList = @ValList + ' ''''''+convert(varchar(200),' + @ColName + ')+'''''''
else if @ColType = 36 -- uniqueidentfiers (nulls not supported yet)
set @ValList = @ValList + ' ''''{''+convert(varchar(200),' + @ColName + ')+''}'''''
if @DebugMode = 1 begin print '-- @ValList: ' + rtrim(@ValList) end
if (@ColStatus & 0x80) = 0x80 begin set @IdentityInsert = 1 end -- Check if column has Identity attribute
fetch next from csrColumns into @ColName, @ColType, @ColStatus
close csrColumns
deallocate csrColumns
set @ColList = replace(ltrim(@ColList), ' ', ', ')
set @ValList = replace(ltrim(@ValList), ' ', ', ')
if @IdentityInsert = 1
print 'set identity_insert ' + @TableName + ' on'
if @DebugMode = 1
print @SQL1 + @ColList + @SQL2 + @ValList + @SQL3 + ' ' + @WhereClause
exec (@SQL1 + @ColList + @SQL2 + @ValList + @SQL3 + ' ' + @WhereClause)
if @IdentityInsert = 1
print 'set identity_insert ' + @TableName + ' off'