Purpose : This routine will dump the transaction logs based on the percentage on how full the transaction logs
are based on parmeter from the logthres table
Schedule the script within SqlAgent
Insert into the logthres table 'database name', 'threshold value' , ' y or n (if you want to init transaction logs
/**** SP_DBA_AUTOTRANS_DUMP_LOG *****//**** Purpose : This routine will dump the transaction logs based on the percentage on how full the transaction logs *****//**** are based on parmeter from the logthres table *****//**** Schedule the script within SqlAgent *****//**** Insert into the logthres table 'database name', 'threshold value' , ' "y" or "n" (if you want to init *****//**** transaction logs
/**** Submitted By: Jim Mccoy, Divermack@yahoo.com *****/
CREATE TABLE [dbo].[logthres] (
[dbname] [char] (20) NULL ,
[threshold] [smallint] NULL ,
[ckinit] [char] (1) NULL
CREATE TABLE [dbo].[logspace] (
[dbname] [char] (30) NOT NULL ,
[logsize] [float] NOT NULL ,
[logspaceused] [float] NOT NULL ,
[status] [tinyint] NOT NULL ,
[last_update] [smalldatetime] NULL
CREATE PROCEDURE sp_dba_autotrans_dump_log
declare @name char(30)
declare @dmpdevice char(30)
declare @thresh char(3)
declare @ckinit_YN char(1)
declare @dstat char(100)
declare @xshell3 char(400)
declare @hdate char(10)
declare @htime char(10)
declare @ctime char(30)
declare @logmsg char(75)
declare @qresults varchar(100)
declare @dmpname char(40)
/*** create tmp table to hold the values from dbcc command ****/
CREATE TABLE #tlogspace (
tdbname char (30) NOT NULL ,
tlogsize float NOT NULL ,
tlogspaceused float NOT NULL ,
tstatus tinyint NOT NULL
insert into #tlogspace
exec ('dbcc sqlperf(logspace)')
select @dmpdevice='_trans_dump' /**** suffix name of the transaction log dump device *****/select @name= ' '
select @dstat=' '
while @name is not null
select @name=(select min(tdbname)
from #tlogspace
inner join logthres
on tdbname = dbname
where tlogspaceused > threshold
and tdbname>@name
and tdbname not in('master','tempdb','msdb','pubs','model','NorthWind'))
select @thresh = (select threshold from logthres /*** Get the threshold value for the DB ***/ where dbname = @name)
select @ckinit_YN = (select ckinit from logthres /*** Check if set to init or noinit ****/ where dbname = @name)
print @thresh
if @name is not null
-- set @qresults =(( 'select dbname,logsize,logspaceused from logspace where dbname = ' )+'"'+( rtrim(@name) )+'"')
set @logmsg =( 'Log is over ' + @thresh + ' percent full. Dumping the log for database ' + @name)
if @ckinit_YN = 'y'
set @dstat =('backup log ' + rtrim(@name)+ ' to ' +(rtrim(@name)+rtrim(@dmpdevice) +' with init'))
set @dstat =('backup log ' + rtrim(@name)+ ' to ' +(rtrim(@name)+rtrim(@dmpdevice) +' with noinit'))
exec (@dstat) /* Dump Transaction Logs */ /* Append date and timestamp to the trans_dump file */
set @hdate = (convert(char(10),getdate(),110))
set @htime = stuff(stuff((convert(char(10),getdate(),108)),3,1,'-'),6,1,'-')
set @ctime = @hdate + @htime
set @dmpname = (rtrim(@name)+rtrim(@dmpdevice) )
set @xshell3 = ('ren y:\transdumps\' +rtrim(@dmpname)+ '.bak'+' ' + (rtrim(rtrim(@dmpname) + @ctime)+'-old'))
print @xshell3
exec master..xp_cmdshell @xshell3,no_output
exec xp_logevent 50004,@logmsg,Informational /* send message to sever event log *//***** This has been commented out but if you want to use send mail ***/-- exec xp_sendmail @recipients = 'XXXX@company.com',
-- @message = 'Transaction log dumps',
-- @subject = 'Sql Transaction Log Dumps',
-- @query = @qresults, /* mail query results to recipients */
-- @set_user = 'domain\sqlaccount',
-- @dbuse = 'master'
/***** If the percentage of log space is greater than specfied parameter *****//***** let's move the data from the temp table to the perm. tab. so we can track it's usage *****/ insert into master..logspace
select distinct tdbname,tlogsize,tlogspaceused,tstatus,getdate()
from #tlogspace inner join logthres
on tdbname = dbname
where tlogspaceused >threshold
and tdbname not in('master','tempdb','msdb','pubs','model','NorthWind')
/***** I would also like to track the size of tempdb - tempdb size will also be logged if gt 20% *****/ insert into master..logspace
select distinct tdbname,tlogsize,tlogspaceused,tstatus,getdate()
from #tlogspace
where tlogspaceused > 20
and tdbname ='tempdb'
/**** let clean up drop temp table ****/drop table #tlogspace