Call dynamic sql storedprocedure from SSIS execute sql task

  • hi,

    I have a table called Rules

    Create table Rules


    Id int ,

    Rules Statement Nvarcahr(max)



    Id   RulesStatement

    1      Sp_execute_rules @job_id , @run_id,@createid


    So , i will be passing the parameters from my ssis package and calling the storedprocedure.

    this is how i am calling in execute sql task

    Declare @sql  nvarchar(max) ,@job_id int,  @run_id int @createid int

    SET @sql = REPALCE(REPLACE(Replace (RulesStatement,@job_id ,Cast(@job_id AS INT))

    , @run_id ,Cast(@run_id AS INT))

    ,@createid ,Cast(@createidAS INT))

    FROM Rules


    Execute sp_executesql @sql



    But this is not working from execute sql task. It runs when i manually set the paramaters and test in ssms , it works fine.

    Please help me what am i doing wrong?



  • Build your dynamic SQL statement as an SSIS variable and then, within your ExecuteSQL task, set the SQLSourceType property to 'Variable' and designate your derived SQL variable as the 'SourceVariable' for the task.

    The absence of evidence is not evidence of absence.
    Martin Rees

    You can lead a horse to water, but a pencil must be lead.
    Stan Laurel

  • I copied the  above sql ( as it is ) a ssis variable and called it from execute sql is still not working 🙁

  • komal145 wrote:

    I copied the  above sql ( as it is ) a ssis variable and called it from execute sql is still not working 🙁

    You misunderstood my suggestion.

    Create an SSIS variable and make it so that its result evaluates to whatever is in your @sql variable.

    The absence of evidence is not evidence of absence.
    Martin Rees

    You can lead a horse to water, but a pencil must be lead.
    Stan Laurel

  • Phil Parkin wrote:

    komal145 wrote:

    I copied the  above sql ( as it is ) a ssis variable and called it from execute sql is still not working 🙁

    You misunderstood my suggestion.

    Create an SSIS variable and make it so that its result evaluates to whatever is in your @sql variable.

    There are loads of tutorials on this topic on (I think - could have misunderstood the problem). For example this one:


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