Group by Consecutive Months

  • I want to group the data by consecutive months (mydate).  how can i do this?

    Data looks like this:

    mydate        enddate   itemnum   amount

    01/22/24     03/22/24  1234           100.00

    02/11/24   02/28/24    2223           200.00

    03/05/24   04/02/24    4948         150.00

    05/12/24    05/22/24      5353          100.00

    05/22/24    06/21/24      8883        125.00

    06/01/24    07/03/24       1212         525.00

    08/04/24    09/22/24      4243       100.00


    Results should return :

    01/22/24  03/22/24    1234   450.00

    05/12/24  05/22/24    5353   750.00

    08/04/24   09/22/24   4243  100.00




  • Pretend I'm dumb as a rock and explain how your result is correct and how you got there.

    Are you talking about something like the "Islands Question" discussed by Itzik Ben-Gan here?

    • This reply was modified 1 month, 1 week ago by  pietlinden. Reason: clarification
  • In my results, I'm grouping by mydate on consecutive months.  So the first 3 rows are consecutive months but the next row is 05 which skips a month.  So i'm grouping the first 3 rows.  Rows 4, 5,6 are consequtive so they are grouped and the last row is by itself so it is grouped by itself.  I'm summing the amount and in my grouping I'm only displaying the first row of my group.  Does this make sense?

  • So essentially you're grouping islands together. (The island consists of consecutive months of data). Fancy that! I found an old Dwain Camps article! (I miss his posts... he could figure stuff out AND write about it)  I know Itzik Ben-Gan wrote articles about it too. There's a bit of it in Chapter 4 of his book T-SQL Querying.  I'm pretty sure there are a bunch of articles he wrote about it kicking about on the internet too. Dig around.

  • Merhaba,

    Sorguyu deneyebilir misin


    IF OBJECT_ID('my_table', 'U') IS NOT NULL
    DROP TABLE my_table;

    CREATE TABLE my_table (
    mydate DATE,
    enddate DATE,
    itemnum INT,
    amount DECIMAL(10, 2)

    INSERT INTO my_table (mydate, enddate, itemnum, amount) VALUES
    ('2024-01-22', '2024-03-22', 1234, 100.00),
    ('2024-02-11', '2024-02-28', 2223, 200.00),
    ('2024-03-05', '2024-04-02', 4948, 150.00),
    ('2024-05-12', '2024-05-22', 5353, 100.00),
    ('2024-05-22', '2024-06-21', 8883, 125.00),
    ('2024-06-01', '2024-07-03', 1212, 525.00),
    ('2024-08-04', '2024-09-22', 4243, 100.00);

    WITH GroupedMonths AS (
    DATEDIFF(MONTH, LAG(mydate) OVER (ORDER BY mydate), mydate) AS month_gap,
    ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY mydate) AS row_num
    FROM my_table
    GroupIdentifiers AS (
    SUM(CASE WHEN month_gap > 1 OR month_gap IS NULL THEN 1 ELSE 0 END)
    OVER (ORDER BY row_num) AS group_id
    FROM GroupedMonths
    AggregatedResult AS (
    MIN(mydate) AS mydate,
    MAX(enddate) AS enddate,
    MIN(itemnum) AS itemnum,
    SUM(amount) AS total_amount
    FROM GroupIdentifiers
    GROUP BY group_id
    FROM AggregatedResult
    ORDER BY mydate;

    • This reply was modified 1 month, 1 week ago by  Vedat ÖZER.

    Allah bize yeter, O ne güzel vekildir.

  • Vedat, Sen bir dahisin, teşekkür ederim!

    Thank you!  it worked.

  • pietlinden wrote:

    So essentially you're grouping islands together. (The island consists of consecutive months of data). Fancy that! I found an old Dwain Camps article! (I miss his posts... he could figure stuff out AND write about it)  I know Itzik Ben-Gan wrote articles about it too. There's a bit of it in Chapter 4 of his book T-SQL Querying.  I'm pretty sure there are a bunch of articles he wrote about it kicking about on the internet too. Dig around.

    Thank you!  this is a great read and explanation.

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