Iterative query to sum a colum relating to dates.

  • Hi,

    I have a simple table with 5 columns as follows with about 80,000 rows, I wish to sum the Hours for each Client at 2 week intervals.

    In other words starting at a particular EndDate, sum the Hours for each client for 2 week period.

    ID,  ClientID,  EndDate,  Hours

    1 ,        1234,      01/7/24,       10

    2,        1234,      07/7/24,       5

    3,       2222,     01/7/24,       4

    4,       2222,     07/7/24,      6

    5,       1234,      14/7/24,      12

    6,       1234,      21/7/24,       2


    ClientID,  EndDate, Hours

    1234,         7/7/24,   15

    2222,       7/7/24,    10

    1234,     21/7/24,     14

    I am not sure the best way to start, to either use a loop, which I was told was not the best way in sql or extract the 2nd date and sum where EndDate and the EndDate 1 week before matches for each client.

    I am open to suggestions and I am sure there maybe an even simpler/smarter way of doing it without iterating?



    • This topic was modified 1 day, 19 hours ago by  Tallboy.
  • one way is to use a Calendar table (which could be overkill) so you know which weeks go together.

    DATEPART(week,[date Column])

    will give you the week of the year, and since it returns an integer, you can use integer division to create even bins


    It'll round down the closest integer. Then group by that.

  • No directly usable sample data, so I can't test it, but maybe this:

    DECLARE @first_week_ending_date date;
    SET @first_week_ending_date = '20240707';

    DATEADD(DAY, @first_week_ending_date, CASE WHEN EndDate > @first_week_ending_date
    THEN 14 ELSE 0 END) AS EndDate,
    SUM(Hours) AS Hours
    FROM dbo.your_table
    WHERE EndDate >= DATEADD(DAY, -13, @first_week_ending_date) AND EndDate <= DATEADD(DAY, 14, @first_week_ending_date)
    GROUP BY ClientID, DATEADD(DAY, @first_week_ending_date, CASE WHEN EndDate > @first_week_ending_date
    THEN 14 ELSE 0 END)

    SQL DBA,SQL Server MVP(07, 08, 09) "It's a dog-eat-dog world, and I'm wearing Milk-Bone underwear." "Norm", on "Cheers". Also from "Cheers", from "Carla": "You need to know 3 things about Tortelli men: Tortelli men draw women like flies; Tortelli men treat women like flies; Tortelli men's brains are in their flies".

  • So I tried this suggestion and it worked perfectly, except for the first row for each Client which is one less than the row above skewing all the data.

    I tired different starting dates to see if I can sort it out but it didn't work!

    See below, any ideas?

    ClientID,      EndDate,     NewWk,   Hours

    22001672    2022-07-10    14            17.75

    22001672    2022-07-17    15             21.25

    22001672    2022-07-24    15            8.25

    22001672    2022-07-31     16           22.25

    22001672    2022-08-07    16           7.00 5



  • Hi Scott,

    My mistake I didnt explain it has to run for all months and years after the July too!

    I tired you query and it works (had to rearrange the dateadd params), but works but only for the month of July does not continue for the rest of the months!

    That why iteration seems to be the answer.

    Any suggestions !

    • This reply was modified 21 hours, 1 minute ago by  Tallboy.
    • This reply was modified 20 hours, 59 minutes ago by  Tallboy.
  • I have developed Scotts query using a loop but still not getting the resutls I need.  I have supplied better data for testing below...


    CREATE TABLE Client( ID int, ClienID int, EndDate Date, Hours int);

    INSERT INTO Client


    (1, 1234, 07/7/24, 10),

    (2, 1234, 14/7/24, 5),

    (3, 2222, 07/7/24, 4),

    (4, 2222, 14/7/24, 6),

    (5, 1234, 12/7/24, 12),

    (6, 1234, 28/7/24, 2),

    (7, 2222, 21/7/24, 4),

    (8, 2222, 28/7/24, 4),

    (9, 1234, 04/8/24, 9),

    (10, 1234, 11/8/24, 2)

    (11, 2222, 04/8/24, 6),

    (12, 2222, 11/8/24, 7)


    ClientID, EndDAte, HOurs

    1234, 14/7/24, 15

    2222, 14/7/24, 10

    1234, 28/7/24, 14

    2222, 28/7/24, 8

    1234, 11/8/24, 11

    2222, 11/8/24, 13


    SET @first_week_ending_date = '2022-07-17';

    While @first_week_ending_date <'2024-10-15'


    INSERT INTO SampleTable (ClientID,  EndDate, Hours)

    SELECT ClientID,

    DATEADD(DAY, CASE WHEN EndDate > @first_week_ending_date THEN 14 ELSE 0 END, @first_week_ending_date) AS EndDate, SUM(Hours) AS Hours

    FROM MyTable

    WHERE EndDate >= DATEADD(DAY, -13, @first_week_ending_date) --AND Weekending <= DATEADD(DAY, 14, @first_week_ending_date)

    GROUP BY ClientID, EndDate,

    DATEADD(DAY, CASE WHEN [EndDate] > @first_week_ending_date THEN 14 ELSE 0 END, @first_week_ending_date)

    SET @first_week_ending_date = DATEADD(DAY, 14, @first_week_ending_date)


    SELECT * FROM SampleTable

    ORDER BY ClientID, EndDate

    • This reply was modified 19 hours, 59 minutes ago by  Tallboy.
    • This reply was modified 19 hours, 33 minutes ago by  Tallboy.

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