From each string, extract numbers following a '#' and create separate row

  • Hi there,

    This was posted in the wrong forum, hence duplicating here. I have SQL version 2019 (thanks to Phil, Scott and Steve for their previous inputs).

    I've tried CROSS APPLY, PATINDEX and many other functions, but can't nail this.

    For each record, I want to extract all numbers which follow a '#' and then create a new row for each.

    Example String 1: "Hello world. #1234 has been replaced by #014521"

    To return:



    Example String 2: "#687459"

    To return:


    If there is no '#', then return blank.

    Thanks in advance. 🙂

  • Post got submitted twice. Sorry.

    • This reply was modified 3 days, 21 hours ago by  Alan Burstein. Reason: Dupe
    "I cant stress enough the importance of switching from a sequential files mindset to set-based thinking. After you make the switch, you can spend your time tuning and optimizing your queries instead of maintaining lengthy, poor-performing code."

    -- Itzik Ben-Gan 2001

  • For this you can use a "splitter" (AKA "tokenizer" function.)

    DECLARE @String VARCHAR(8000) = 'Hello world. #1234 has been replaced by #014521';

    SELECT SomeNbr = REPLACE(split.[value],'#','')
    FROM STRING_SPLIT(@String,' ') AS split
    WHERE split.[value] LIKE '#[0-9]%';



    Against a table it would look like this:

    DECLARE @Strings TABLE (StringID INT IDENTITY, SomeString VARCHAR(1000));
    INSERT @Strings(SomeString)
    ('Hello world. #1234 has been replaced by #014521'),
    ('Numbers, numbers... #012 #999 #Numbers'),
    ('The quick brown fox...'),
    ('#000 Another row... #123') ;

    StringID = s.StringID,
    SomeNbr = REPLACE(split.[value],'#','')
    FROM @Strings AS s
    CROSS APPLY STRING_SPLIT(s.SomeString,' ') AS split
    WHERE split.[value] LIKE '#[0-9]%';

    This returns:

    StringID    SomeNbr
    ----------- -----------
    1           1234
    1           014521
    2           012
    2           999
    4           000
    4           123

    This gets us what we need except for "If there is no '#', then return blank." For the blanks we'll need to push our logic into a subquery and leverage OUTER APPLY like so:

    StringID = s.StringID,
    SomeNbr = ISNULL(split.SomeNbr,'')
    FROM @Strings AS s
    SELECT SomeNbr = REPLACE(split.[value],'#','')
    FROM STRING_SPLIT(s.SomeString,' ') AS split
    WHERE split.[value] LIKE '#[0-9]%'
    ) AS split;


    StringID   SomeNbr
    ----------- -----------
    1           1234
    1           014521
    2           012
    2           999
    4           000
    4           123

    "I cant stress enough the importance of switching from a sequential files mindset to set-based thinking. After you make the switch, you can spend your time tuning and optimizing your queries instead of maintaining lengthy, poor-performing code."

    -- Itzik Ben-Gan 2001

  • Hi Alan,

    Many thanks for the code you have provided. I am still evaluating how to apply this to an existing table, but I do have an observation.  If there is no space between the number and '#', I get this:-

    DECLARE @String VARCHAR(8000) = 'Hello world. #1234 has been replaced by #014521#2345';

    SELECT SomeNbr = REPLACE(split.[value],'#','')
    FROM STRING_SPLIT(@String,' ') AS split
    WHERE split.[value] LIKE '#[0-9]%';



    Should be:





    Also, if I declare this string with parenthesis around a number, it give me just the first occurrence of a #, 1234:-

    DECLARE @String VARCHAR(8000) = 'Hello world. #1234 has been replaced by (#014521) (#2345)




    Thank you again! 🙂


    p.s. How do I avoid the extra spaces between each line of text? lol

    • This reply was modified 3 days, 5 hours ago by  SqlRookie.
    • This reply was modified 3 days, 4 hours ago by  SqlRookie.
  • Or what's the question?  It seems the topic's scope has crept after solutions were posted

    Aus dem Paradies, das Cantor uns geschaffen, soll uns niemand vertreiben können

  • It's too difficult to answer. I am a new learner.

  • It is too difficult for me.

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