Linked server and trouble between manager and agent

  • Hello, I have a problem and i don´t understand it.

    After to link a server, i execute

    delete top(1) from LinkedServer.MyDB.dbo.MyTable

    From mananger works fine but from a agent's job fails with error 18452 "The login failed. The login is from an untrusted domain and cannot be used with Integrated Authentication."

    I don't know why with the job fails.

    Thanks for all.



  • How did you define the security to be followed when using this linked server ?


    2024-10-09 14_29_33-Window


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  • Hello, i was using

    exec sp_addlinkedserver @server ='RemoteServer'

    exec sp_addlinkedsrvlogin @rmtsrvname = 'RemoteServer',@useself = 'false',@locallogin = 'MyLogin',@rmtuser = 'rmtuser',@rmtpassword = 'rmtpass'

    and that failed because i didn´t have the same configuration that you in security of Properties Linked Server.

    I changed the configuration like the image and it works fine.

    Thank you for all.



  • Keep in mind, everybody that can use the linked server, will have the authority of the given "rmtuser" !

    That's the reason I only allow read-only accounts to be used in that context.


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