Behaviour since moving to Azure

  • Hello, all,

    Recently we have migrated a few AGs up to Azure.  These are fairly old SQL 2012 servers, running in a 2-node cluster.

    We've been getting sporadic occurrences of WSFC errors, 41000 and 41005.  Seems to a resource issue according the those error messages.

    The nodes are well-resourced and basically replicate what they were when they were on-prem in terms of RAM and Compute. I have never seen this failure when they were on-prem. Today, it even failed to bring the cluster resource IP back online afterwards and I had to bring it online manually in Cluster Manager.

    In prior occurrences a restart of the Cluster service on both nodes brings everything back without problems.

    Anyone seen this? Any remediation suggestions?




    DBA (Dogsbody with Bad Attitude)

  • Thanks for posting your issue and hopefully someone will answer soon.

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