Urgent help for migration with error Login failed for the user

  • Hi,

    We are migrating from SQL 2000 to SQL 2017.

    As a first step, we are migrating to sql 2008r2.

    We have dts packages running on the 2000 box. I copied the dts packages to sql 2008r2 server by copying the msdb table.

    The dts packages are executing using the sql jobs. The jobs are failing showing as below

    Executed as user servername\system. DTS Run: Loading: Provider Error:18456 (4818). Error string: Login failed for the user domain name \computernsme. Error source: Microsoft OLEDB provider for sql server

    I tried creating the new login with that computer name & provided sysadmin permission but the issue didn’t resolve. SQL & agent are ruining as local system. NT Authority \system has sys admin permission.

    Any suggestions/help will be appreciated


  • The job runs as a particular login. Change the login under which the job runs.

  • The login that running the job is sysadmin on sql server. It is showing login failed  as domain\machine$. This domain \machine also already sysadmin in SQL server.

    Tried creating the proxy but still same issue

  • I noticed the job is executing the below command in CmdExec subsystem.

    DTSRn / ~ Z z0xfx….

    Seems /~Z means it is encrypted. How can we identify the dts package name in the job is executing, if the job doesn’t have description. I tried using/!X  /!C as suggested in some other post. This didn’t help me

    • This reply was modified 1 month, 4 weeks ago by  ramana3327.

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