Blog Post

A New Word: Symptomania


symptomania – n. the fantasy that there’s some elaborate diagnosis out there that neatly captures the kind of person you are, tying together your many flaws and contradictions into a single theme – which wouldn’t necessarily sort out the mess inside your head but would at least let you mark it with a little sign so people know to walk around it.

Another great definition. Maybe we should have signs we can hold up to let people know we’re feeling a little off and they should just walk around us and ignore us Winking smile

I don’t feel symptomania, mostly because I am accepting of flaws, and I don’t try to simplify the world so much anymore. I don’t see black and white but rather lots of gray. I don’t try to reduce things to a simple measure, but accept a complex way of the world as the way things are.

From the Dictionary of Obscure Sorrows

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