Help with reading from JSON array

  • Hi all,

    I am trying to read the following JSON code in SQL Server:

    declare @json nvarchar(max)

    set @json =

    "10N": "N/A"

    {"Busket Rule":"A1",
    "Exit_Window": 15,
    "Strategy": "STE Triggered",
    "Start_Date": "Month 2"

    {"Busket Rule":"C2",
    "Exit_Window": 44,
    "Strategy": "STE",
    "Start_Date": "Month 2"

    {"Busket Rule":"D1",
    "Exit_Window": 128,
    "Strategy": "Ignore",
    "Start_Date": "Q2"



    --select isjson(@json)

    select *
    from openjson(@json)
    with (
    WorkId int '$.WorkId',
    [Busket Rule] varchar(200) '$.UpdateAttributes.OverrideRules[0]."Busket Rule"',
    Exit_Window int '$.UpdateAttributes.OverrideRules[0].Exit_Window',
    Startegy varchar(200) '$.UpdateAttributes.OverrideRules[0].Strategy',
    Start_Date varchar(100) '$.UpdateAttributes.OverrideRules[0].Start_Date'

    it reads correctly, but only for the 1st entry of array [index 0]. To reading all the rest, I have to manually change it to 1,2, and so on.  How I can read it so it will look like table?



  • You need multiple OPENJSON functions.

    select j.WorkId, r.[Busket Rule], r.Exit_Window, r.Startegy, r.Start_Date
    from openjson(@json)
    with (
    WorkId int '$.WorkId',
    OverrideRules NVARCHAR(MAX) '$.UpdateAttributes.OverrideRules' AS JSON
    ) j
    CROSS APPLY OPENJSON(j.OverrideRules)
    WITH (
    [Busket Rule] varchar(200) '$."Busket Rule"',
    Exit_Window int '$.Exit_Window',
    Startegy varchar(200) '$.Strategy',
    Start_Date varchar(100) '$.Start_Date'
    ) AS r


    J. Drew Allen
    Business Intelligence Analyst
    Philadelphia, PA

  • Thanks a lot, Drew.

    It works as expected.

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