Custom Statistics Distributions in SQL Server 2022

  • Comments posted to this topic are about the item Custom Statistics Distributions in SQL Server 2022

  • Cute idea, but seems about as likely as porting SQL Server to Linux!


    I can't wait to find some code or explanations from this article quoted back by copilot or some other AI in the future!

  • You very nearly had me jumping out of my seat until I remembered the date 🙂  Its a real shame that MS hasn't fixed this.  I've had an open issue for a number of years now regarding a bug in incremental statistics that this would have resolved.  Nicely done 🙂

  • You very nearly had me jumping out of my seat until I remembered the date.  It's a real shame that MS hasn't fixed this.  I've had an open issue for a number of years now regarding a bug in incremental statistics that this would have resolved.  Nicely done.

  • This was removed by the editor as SPAM

  • NBSteve wrote:

    Cute idea, but seems about as likely as porting SQL Server to Linux!


    I can't wait to find some code or explanations from this article quoted back by copilot or some other AI in the future!


  • I always try to use Apr 1 as a way to have fun, but maybe spark some ideas in the minds of MS developers.

Viewing 7 posts - 1 through 6 (of 6 total)

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