Analysis services tabular models - how to detect tables which have had errors

  • I am using a query (using TMSCHEMA) to derive the tabular tables to be processed. The aim is to process as much as possible in an iterative way and skip the ones which have an error i nthe processing run. Running the query and execute the processing works with a stored procedure.

    The query works but when causing an incident within a table on purpose, the state of the table remains in its prior state of 1 which means processed. So when my query wants to reiterate it will find the same table and will undergo the same bug.

    Is it easily possible to find the tables which have an error in your latest run programmatically easily? for instance when using TMSCHEMA or DMV's? So far i did not find any hint online


    Thank you!

  • Thanks for posting your issue and hopefully someone will answer soon.

    This is an automated bump to increase visibility of your question.

  • It looks like RefreshedTime FROM $System.TMSCHEMA_PARTITIONS will not update when there is a processing error.

    So by snapshotting RefreshedTime pre-processing and comparing to RefreshedTime post-processing you should see objects that did not process successfully.


  • Hi Chrissy, thank you very much this might be a great idea will let it know whether it works

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