A New Audit

  • Comments posted to this topic are about the item A New Audit

  • I guess its a good thing I am not a DBA. Based on the number of questions I have answered incorrectly over the years, any database I managed would be in serious trouble.  But, I love trying to answer the question. Even if I get it wrong, I learn something new,  and learning new things is what keeps me going.  My thanks to all the contributors of these questions.




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  • I'm curious how many DBAs out there use this feature.  I have to confess I've been a DBA for 10+ years now and had not heard of it until I saw this question today. In looking through some reference articles on ApexSQL's site, it actually looks fairly handy.

    Be still, and know that I am God - Psalm 46:10

  • I see it rarely used. I'm sure someone does, but not many

  • Steve Jones - SSC Editor wrote:

    I see it rarely used. I'm sure someone does, but not many

    We started "using" it last year.  The customer insisted that we enabled it when we migrated and upgraded.  I've set it up, turned it on and that's been it.  It's just ticking over creating overhead and little usable output.  They wanted database auditing aswell so I've got that ticking away too.  There's a constant turnover of staff at their end and it's highly likely that the people who requested the auditing have moved on and their replacements don't even know it exists.

    On two occasions I have been asked, "Pray, Mr. Babbage, if you put into the machine wrong figures, will the right answers come out?" ... I am not able rightly to apprehend the kind of confusion of ideas that could provoke such a question.
    —Charles Babbage, Passages from the Life of a Philosopher

    How to post a question to get the most help http://www.sqlservercentral.com/articles/Best+Practices/61537

  • I work in US FedGov and we're required to have SQL Audits running and basically capturing everything...

    I'm also sad to say I got the question wrong, because I let myself over-think my initial answer...

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