Server Audit Specifications, Audit Action Type -- SELECT UPDATE INSERT DELETE

  • I'm trying to capture an audit of ANYONE logging into a database on my SQL 2019 Enterprise instance.

    When setting up my 'Server Audit Specifications' the 'Audit Action Type' drop down is not showing options to select SELECT UPDATE INSERT DELETE as presented in online tutorials.  I am both LOCAL ADMIN and SQL sysadmin on the server.

    What am I doing wrong?

  • S/I/U/D options are only available at the Database Audit Specification level, they are not at the Server Audit Specification level


    Want to track logins at the instance level use Successful Login Group and Failed Login Group facets.

  • thank you Mr. Ant !!   I now see that in addition to setting the spec at the Server level -- If you need to audit the SELECT / INSERT / UPDATE / DELETE activity, you need to drill INTO the DB (in SSMS) and create 'Database Audit Specifications' too.   (appreciate the QUICK reply!)


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