Last value in a row containing..

  • I've inherited code in which I need to designate each PATID as either Rel_Exempt or Med_Exempt, depending on whether it is the last column in the row (not counting the column with 'NONE').

    Hoping it will turn out as below. Thanks in advance for any help.



    create table #values


    PatID varchar(10)

    ,Name1 varchar(10)

    ,Date1 datetime

    ,Name2 varchar(10)

    ,Date2 datetime

    ,Name3 varchar(10)

    ,Date3 datetime

    ,Name4 varchar(10)

    ,Date4 datetime


    Insert into #values


    ('1','Blue' ,'2021-01-01 07:01:00.000','Green' ,'2021-01-01 19:00:00.000', 'Green', '2021-01-01 23:00:00.000', 'Orange','2021-01-02 05:00:00.000' )

    ,('2','Green','2021-01-01 19:01:00.000', 'Rel_Exempt' ,'2021-01-02 07:00:00.000', 'NONE', '2023-12-20 00:00:00.000', 'NONE', '2023-12-20 00:00:00.000')

    ,('3','Blue' ,'2021-01-01 07:01:00.000','Blue' ,'2021-01-11 19:00:00.000', 'Med_Exempt', '2021-01-21 23:00:00.000', 'Green','2021-01-22 05:00:00.000' )

    ,('4','Green','2021-01-01 07:01:00.000','Green' ,'2021-01-04 19:00:00.000', 'Blue', '2021-06-01 23:00:00.000', 'Rel_Exempt','2021-08-02 05:00:00.000' )

    ,('5','Med_Exempt' ,'2021-01-01 07:01:00.000','NONE' ,'2023-12-20 00:00:00.000', 'NONE', '2023-12-20 00:00:00.000', 'NONE','2023-12-20 00:00:00.000' )





    ,cast(nullif(p.Date1, '') as Date) 'Date1'


    ,cast(nullif(p.Date2, '') as Date) 'Date2'


    ,cast(nullif(p.Date3, '') as Date) 'Date3'


    ,cast(nullif(p.Date4, '') as Date) 'Date4'


    from #values p

  • What have you tested ?

    This can be an option:

    ; with cteHighestDate as (
    Select PatID
    , case Name4 when 'None' then
    case Name3 when 'None' then
    case Name2 when 'None' then
    case Name1 when 'None' then NULL
    else Date1
    else GREATEST ( Date1, Date2 )
    else GREATEST ( Date1, Date2, Date3 )
    else GREATEST ( Date1, Date2, Date3, Date4 )
    end GreatestDate
    from #values
    , cteLastDisp as (
    Select V.PatID, Case V.Date1 when HD.GreatestDate then V.Name1
    else case V.Date2 when HD.GreatestDate then V.Name2
    else case V.Date3 when HD.GreatestDate then V.Name3
    else case V.Date4 when HD.GreatestDate then V.Name4
    else '???'
    end as Last_Disp
    from #values V
    inner join cteHighestDate HD
    on HD.PatID = V.PatID
    Select PatID, case when Last_Disp in ( 'Med_Exempt', 'Rel_Exempt' ) then Last_Disp else '' end Final_Disp
    from cteLastDisp
    order by PatID;

    Test it, Test IT, TEST it, TEST IT  ..... on a large set of data !!!!


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    Need a bit of Powershell? How about this

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  • Another option

    WITH cteBase AS (
    SELECT p.*, x.pos, x.Namex
    FROM #values AS p
    CROSS APPLY (VALUES ( 1, p.Name1 )
    , ( 2, p.Name2 )
    , ( 3, p.Name3 )
    , ( 4, p.Name4 )
    ) AS x(pos, Namex)
    WHERE x.[Namex] <> 'NONE'
    SELECT cte.PatID
    , cte.Name1
    , Date1 = CAST(NULLIF( cte.Date1, '' ) AS date)
    , cte.Name2
    , Date2 = CAST(NULLIF( cte.Date2, '' ) AS date)
    , cte.Name3
    , Date3 = CAST(NULLIF( cte.Date3, '' ) AS date)
    , cte.Name4
    , Date4 = CAST(NULLIF( cte.Date4, '' ) AS date)
    , Final_Disp = MAX(CASE
    WHEN rn = 1 AND cte.Namex IN ( 'Med_Exempt', 'Rel_Exempt' ) THEN cte.Namex
    ELSE ''
    FROM cteBase AS cte
    GROUP BY cte.PatID, cte.Name1, cte.Date1, cte.Name2, cte.Date2, cte.Name3, cte.Date3, cte.Name4, cte.Date4
  • My previous answer does not cater for scenarios where ALL Name values are "NONE".

    Updated code - Please test thoroughly.

    WITH cteBase AS (
    SELECT p.PatID, x.pos, x.Namex
    FROM #values AS p
    CROSS APPLY (VALUES ( 1, p.Name1 ), ( 2, p.Name2 ), ( 3, p.Name3 ), ( 4, p.Name4 )
    ) AS x(pos, Namex)
    WHERE x.[Namex] <> 'NONE'
    SELECT v.PatID
    , v.Name1
    , Date1 = CAST(NULLIF( v.Date1, '' ) AS DATE)
    , v.Name2
    , Date2 = CAST(NULLIF( v.Date2, '' ) AS DATE)
    , v.Name3
    , Date3 = CAST(NULLIF( v.Date3, '' ) AS DATE)
    , v.Name4
    , Date4 = CAST(NULLIF( v.Date4, '' ) AS DATE)
    , Final_Disp = MAX(CASE
    WHEN cte.rn = 1 AND cte.Namex IN ( 'Med_Exempt', 'Rel_Exempt' ) THEN cte.Namex
    ELSE ''
    FROM #values AS v
    LEFT JOIN cteBase AS cte ON cte.PatID = v.PatID
    GROUP BY v.PatID, v.Name1, v.Date1, v.Name2, v.Date2, v.Name3, v.Date3, v.Name4, v.Date4
    ORDER BY v.PatID;
  • Nested CASE expressions are very hard to read, because it quickly becomes difficult to tell exactly where you are in the nesting.  Here is an example that uses a single CASE expression.

    SELECT v.PatID
    , v.Name1
    , CAST(v.Date1 AS DATE) AS Date1
    , v.Name2
    , CAST(v.Date2 AS DATE) AS Date2
    , v.Name3
    , CAST(v.Date3 AS DATE) AS Date3
    , v.Name4
    , CAST(v.Date4 AS DATE) AS Date4
    , CASE WHEN v.Name4 IN ('Rel_Exempt', 'Med_Exempt') THEN v.Name4
    WHEN v.Name4 <> 'NONE' THEN ''
    WHEN v.Name3 IN ('Rel_Exempt', 'Med_Exempt') THEN v.Name3
    WHEN v.Name3 <> 'NONE' THEN ''
    WHEN v.Name2 IN ('Rel_Exempt', 'Med_Exempt') THEN v.Name2
    WHEN v.Name2 <> 'NONE' THEN ''
    WHEN v.Name1 IN ('Rel_Exempt', 'Med_Exempt') THEN v.Name1
    ELSE ''
    END AS Final_Disp
    FROM #values AS v;

    I don't have access to SQL 2022 (and GREATEST()), but it performs much better than the CROSS APPLY.  Here are the read stats.

    /*  CROSS APPLY  */
    Table 'Worktable'. Scan count 1, logical reads 39, physical reads 0, page server reads 0, read-ahead reads 0, page server read-ahead reads 0, lob logical reads 0, lob physical reads 0, lob page server reads 0, lob read-ahead reads 0, lob page server read-ahead reads 0.
    Table '#values___0000000004DF'. Scan count 2, logical reads 2, physical reads 0, page server reads 0, read-ahead reads 0, page server read-ahead reads 0, lob logical reads 0, lob physical reads 0, lob page server reads 0, lob read-ahead reads 0, lob page server read-ahead reads 0.

    /* CASE Expression */
    Table '#values___0000000004DF'. Scan count 1, logical reads 1, physical reads 0, page server reads 0, read-ahead reads 0, page server read-ahead reads 0, lob logical reads 0, lob physical reads 0, lob page server reads 0, lob read-ahead reads 0, lob page server read-ahead reads 0.


    J. Drew Allen
    Business Intelligence Analyst
    Philadelphia, PA

  • Nice one Drew.  CASE exits the expression once a true condition is found

    Aus dem Paradies, das Cantor uns geschaffen, soll uns niemand vertreiben können

  • very nice..appreciate all your responses!

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