Merge Replication SQL 2008 (10.0.6556) - downloads slow and behind

  • Merge Replication SQL 2008 (10.0.6556) - downloads slow and behind

    I am working on newly virtualized sql cluster with sql 2008 and merge replication with replication of many tables on a large database (multiple TB data file).  Recently, the merge replication of one of two pubs for it started to appear to only perform uploads to publisher or downloads to subscriber.  I thought it was only issue and resolved it by setting the parallel upload/download option.  However, it seems that it has gotten days behind in downloads to subscriber.  I have tried many things to no avail but the uploads to publisher (mostly deletes) go quick but the downloads to subscriber are slow.  We have the following settings for the affected pub's merge agent profile.  Its a pull subscription.  We have rebuilt many merge indexes and rerun update stats.  Oddly the other pub on the same database is not experiencing the issues and is using the default merge agent profile.

    Due to the nature of our platform we have not tried a failover to another node for either the publisher's cluster or subscriber's.

    Any suggestions will be greatly appreciated.


  • Thanks for posting your issue and hopefully someone will answer soon.

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