The Stagnant Career

  • Comments posted to this topic are about the item The Stagnant Career

  • When I was 30, I was focused on learning whatever was needed to keep my salary's upward curve as steep as possible (a spouse, small child, and a big mortgage will do that 🙂).  I found this to be fun. I often changed roles and technologies when changing jobs.

    I'm 60+. My focus is on job security and to keep getting better at my main focus (performance tuning in Azure SQL DB) than in learning new technologies. I'm lucky enough to be in a job where I am still getting good raises and bonuses. I have not "retired in place" at all, but my interest and aptitude for learning entirely new things (Postgress, Fabric, Python, Databricks, etc.) has greatly decreased. That just isn't fun to me anymore.

    I don't feel "stagnant", but I'm not trying to aggressively climb a career ladder either.


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