Blog Post

Webinar: How to Harden SQL Server


On November 29, 2023, at 11 AM Eastern Standard Time, I’m presenting a webinar on how to harden SQL Server.

Link to Register (free): GoTo Webinar – How to harden SQL Server – registration

Here’s the abstract:

Microsoft SQL Server has been a target of threat actors for over 20 years. The first world-wide exploit of SQL Server was known as SQL Slammer and it caused significant changes to Microsoft’s software development lifecycle and the instituting the Trustworthy Computing initiative. Now, a fresh attack against SQL Server has made the news: DB#Jammer. DB#Jammer and attacks like it exploit poor security configurations in both SQL Server and the surrounding technology.

Beyond the abstract, here’s what I’m going to go into detail about:

  • Understanding surface area, zero trust, and network security.
  • Assuming an already breached mentality.
  • The importance of basics such as password strength and account lockout.
  • The need for a layered approach when it comes to security – network, OS, and SQL Server.
  • Proper auditing and reporting to detect breaches

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