Here’s my year, which is pre-populated with a couple more trips coming up in November. Those should be all, as I’ve declined to go back to the UK in December and am hoping to lay low a bit. These are the trips I’ve taken, plotted against distance from home.
A lot of similar trips. I had repeats that were:
- London – 3 times
- Las Vegas – 3 times
- Chicago – 3 times
- Austin – 3 times
- Boston – 2 times
- Syracuse – 2 times
- Florida – 3 times (JAX, Orlando, Miami)
- St Louis – 2 times
- Dallas – 2 times
The big trip was Alaska, which was my wife’s 50th state. I think it was 46 or so for me. I know I’m missing Maine, Arkansas, Iowa, probably one more I can’t think of right now. I’ve spent the night in all other states.
I have (I think) a total of 30 airplane trips away from Denver. The actual flights are more like 70 with some connections. I spent 100 nights away from home, though some of those were in the mountains or camping. Or in airplanes. I probably spent 3 nights on airplanes this year.
That’s a lot. A long year for me, and I’m likely to avoid some travel until March or April, so hopefully I can recharge over the winter and relax at home.