gobo – n. the delerium of having spent all day in an aesthetic frame of mind, taking photos across the city, getting lost in an art museum – which infuses the world with an aura of meaning, until every crack in the wall becomes a commitment to naturalism, and every rainbow swirling in a puddle feels like a choice.
I wish I could get lost in an art museum, but it’s not my thing. I can enjoy them for a bit, and I like having various Van Gogh paintings as a part of my wallpaper, but only for a bit. I do, however, enjoy spending a few hours wandering a city, taking pictures, and enjoying the world for what it is. My wife and I do this more often than hitting tourist attractions when we travel. Instead enjoying life in another place as it exists during a normal day for many others.
I do try to stop and enjoy the world I see, big things and small, as I go through life. I rarely spend all day doing anything, but I do enjoy the moments when I can.
From the Dictionary of Obscure Sorrows