SSRS Report Performance issue after Upgrade

  • We Upgraded db from MSSQL 2008 to Microsoft SQL Server 2019  & SSRS Server 2008 to 2014

    While running  reports , we are facing performance issues report not loading after 30 min also , We did Query optimization it is taking 1 - 5 min in SSMS Based on Parameters.

    In  the report server , we are getting rsHttpRuntimeClientDisconnectionError in  below table

    SELECT * FROM dbo.ExecutionLog3 where

    Status not in ('rsSuccess')

    ORDER BY TimeStart DESC

    Could you Please guide us how to resolve this issue.


  • had lots of those as well - even after increasing the timeout significantly they were getting similar errors after 90 min - as we were only using SSRS to generate some new reports (not my choice) we ended up using c# (closedxml) to generate those.

    interested in knowing the solution to this.

  • That's a big jump, somewhere around sql 2014 the optimizer plan generation changed.

    Have you tried different compatiblity modes?

    Have you checked


    as you are on SQL 2019, have you enabled querystore to view / monitor the problematic queries

  • on my case the issues we had was not on the data retrieval but on rendering and processing - which is done after all data has been loaded.

    the OP didn't post the output of the command but that view has a few columns that do help identify issues.

    TimeDataRetrieval - Number of milliseconds spent retrieving the data.

    TimeProcessing - Number of milliseconds spent processing the report.

    TimeRendering - Number of milliseconds spent rendering the report.

    where the first option is very high that could indicate a issue with QE optimizer.


  • Hi In My Case as well Query is running in 1 Min, But TimeProcessing to taking 48 Min,

    Could you Please let us know how to Reduce TimeProcessing,

    In My Report I have One Row Grouping and 5 Column level grouping we getting total of 40 Columns as well 2 vbscript functions running on to of 4 columns.




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