Setting up a view with parameters

  • Hi Folks,

    I'm not very well versed in SQL so I come here to the experts for advise.

    I have a nice little query that is currently using hard coded values for customer name, start and end dates.  I need to be able to pass those values as parameters which I don't know how to do.  To complicate things, the source data stores date values as Epoch so I need to be able to pick my dates and convert those values before passing them as parameters.  Here's what I have so far. Any help is greatly appreciated. - Thank you.

    WITH CTE(Name, Date, Weight, Type) AS 
    (SELECT lmreceive.CustName, lmreceive.LdryTargRecvDate, SUM(lmrecvcart.LdryNettWght) AS Expr1, 'S' AS Type

    FROM linenmaster118.lmreceive AS lmreceive INNER JOIN linenmaster118.lmrecvcart AS lmrecvcart ON lmreceive.RcID = lmrecvcart.RecvRcID

    WHERE (lmreceive.LdryCode = 'FDRNY') AND (lmreceive.InvtAcctCode = 'RENT HOSP') AND (lmreceive.CustName = 'CHS - Good Samaritan Hospital') AND (lmreceive.LdryTargRecvDate BETWEEN '1693569600' AND '1696075200') GROUP BY lmreceive.CustName, lmreceive.LdryTargRecvDate


    SELECT lmdelivery.CustName, lmdelivery.LdryTargDelvDate, SUM(lmdelvcart.LdryNettWght) AS Expr1, 'C' AS Type

    FROM linenmaster118.lmdelivery AS lmdelivery INNER JOIN linenmaster118.lmdelvcart AS lmdelvcart ON lmdelivery.RcID = lmdelvcart.DelvRcID

    WHERE (lmdelivery.LdryCode = 'FDRNY') AND (lmdelivery.InvtAcctCode = 'RENT HOSP') AND (lmdelivery.CustName = 'CHS - Good Samaritan Hospital') AND
    (lmdelivery.LdryTargDelvDate BETWEEN '1693569600' AND '1696075200')

    GROUP BY lmdelivery.CustName, lmdelivery.LdryTargDelvDate)

    SELECT Name, Date, SUM(CASE WHEN Type = 'S' THEN Weight END) AS SoilWeight, SUM(CASE WHEN Type = 'C' THEN Weight END) AS CleanWeight


    GROUP BY Name, Date
  • A table-valued function might do what you need. Have a look at the following link and see whether it gets you on the way:

    As you've no doubt already discovered, parameterised views are not possible in SQL Server.

    The absence of evidence is not evidence of absence
    - Martin Rees
    The absence of consumable DDL, sample data and desired results is, however, evidence of the absence of my response
    - Phil Parkin

  • Thanks for chiming in here Phil and yes, I do know about parameterized views not being possible.  My first thought was to change my view to a stored procedure since it can be passed parameters.  I'll take a hard read on  the table value functions and see if I can implement. -thank you.

  • Here is a TVF:

    CREATE FUNCTION myFunctioname
    @LdryCode as varchar(100),
    @InvtAcctCode as varchar(100),
    @CustName as varchar(100),
    @LdryTargDelvDateStart as varchar(100),
    @LdryTargDelvDateEnd as varchar(100)
    WITH CTE(Name, Date, Weight, Type) AS
    SELECT lmreceive.CustName,
    SUM(lmrecvcart.LdryNettWght) AS Expr1,
    'S' AS Type
    FROM linenmaster118.lmreceive AS lmreceive
    INNER JOIN linenmaster118.lmrecvcart AS lmrecvcart
    ON lmreceive.RcID = lmrecvcart.RecvRcID
    WHERE lmreceive.LdryCode = @LdryCode
    AND lmreceive.InvtAcctCode = @InvtAcctCode
    AND lmreceive.CustName = @CustName
    AND lmreceive.LdryTargDelvDate BETWEEN @LdryTargDelvDateStart AND @LdryTargDelvDateEnd
    GROUP BY lmreceive.CustName, lmreceive.LdryTargRecvDate
    SELECT lmdelivery.CustName,
    SUM(lmdelvcart.LdryNettWght) AS Expr1,
    'C' AS Type
    FROM linenmaster118.lmdelivery AS lmdelivery
    INNER JOIN linenmaster118.lmdelvcart AS lmdelvcart
    ON lmdelivery.RcID = lmdelvcart.DelvRcID
    WHERE lmdelivery.LdryCode = @LdryCode
    AND lmdelivery.InvtAcctCode = @InvtAcctCode
    AND lmdelivery.CustName = @CustName
    AND lmdelivery.LdryTargDelvDate BETWEEN @LdryTargDelvDateStart AND @LdryTargDelvDateEnd
    GROUP BY lmdelivery.CustName, lmdelivery.LdryTargDelvDate
    SELECT Name,
    SUM(CASE WHEN Type = 'S' THEN Weight END) AS SoilWeight,
    SUM(CASE WHEN Type = 'C' THEN Weight END) AS CleanWeight
    GROUP BY Name, Date

    You have a couple of typos in the SQL in your question, I think I've corrected them.

  • This was removed by the editor as SPAM

  • I am going to take a little different approach - the CTE should define the detail data and then we can summarize that detail data.  There really isn't any need to SUM the SUM's here:

     CREATE FUNCTION myFunctioname (
    @LdryCode varchar(100)
    , @AcctCode varchar(100)
    , @CustName varchar(100)
    , @StartDate varchar(100)
    , @EndDate varchar(100)

    WITH Details (CustName, TargetDate, LdryCode, AcctCode, Weight, Type)
    AS (
    SELECT lmr.CustName
    , lmr.LdryTargRecvDate
    , lmr.LdryCode
    , lmr.InvtAcctCode
    , lmr.CustName
    , lmrc.LdryNettWght
    , 'S'
    FROM linenmaster118.lmreceiv lmr
    INNER JOIN linenmaster118.lmrecvcart lmrc ON lmrc.RecvRcID = lmr.RcID
    SELECT lmd.CustName
    , lmd.LdryTargDelvDate,
    , lmd.LdryCode
    , lmd.InvtAcctCode
    , lmd.CustName
    , lmdd.LdryNettWght
    , 'C'
    FROM linenmaster118.lmdelivery lmd
    INNER JOIN linenmaster118.lmdelvcart lmdd ON lmdd.DelvRcID = lmd.RcID
    SELECT det.CustName
    , det.TargetDate
    , SoilWeight = SUM(CASE WHEN Type = 'S' THEN det.Weight END)
    , CleanWeight = SUM(CASE WHEN Type = 'C' THEN det.Weight END)
    FROM Details det
    WHERE det.CustName = @CustName
    AND det.LdryCode = @LdryCode
    AND det.AcctCode = @AcctCode
    AND det.TargetDate BETWEEN @StartDate AND @EndDate
    , det.TargetDate;

    We can then push the criteria to the outer query - and a single GROUP BY on the total details.

    One thing to note - the parameters have all been defined as VARCHAR(100).  These need to be defined as the actual data types for each column.  I suspect the target date columns are actually a numeric value and not a string - so those should be defined appropriately.

    If you have a calculation that is used to convert from a date to internal value - you could modify this to perform that calculation and set the function up to accept datetime instead.  If those are old style UNIX Epoch:

          , @StartDate     datetime
    , @EndDate datetime
    AND det.TargetDate BETWEEN DATEDIFF(second, '1970', @StartDate) AND DATEDIFF(second, '1970', @EndDate)

    If they are new style UNIX timestamps - then see this article:

    Jeffrey Williams
    “We are all faced with a series of great opportunities brilliantly disguised as impossible situations.”

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  • Thank you all.  This is great information.  However, we have run into a problem...  Taking the original code we modified it as follows and at first it worked returning a single customer in a test.  But now it returns a boatload of customer and data outside the date range.

    We created this...

    CREATE FUNCTION getMonthlyCleanLinen (
    @CustName varchar(128)
    , @StartDate int
    , @EndDate int


    WITH Details (CustName, TargetDate, InvtAcctCode, Weight, Type)
    AS (

    SELECT lmr.CustName
    , lmr.LdryTargRecvDate
    , lmr.InvtAcctCode
    , lmrc.LdryNettWght
    , 'S'
    FROM linenmaster118.lmreceive lmr
    INNER JOIN linenmaster118.lmrecvcart lmrc ON lmrc.RecvRcID = lmr.RcID


    SELECT lmd.CustName
    , lmd.LdryTargDelvDate
    , lmd.InvtAcctCode
    , lmdd.LdryNettWght
    , 'C'
    FROM linenmaster118.lmdelivery lmd
    INNER JOIN linenmaster118.lmdelvcart lmdd ON lmdd.DelvRcID = lmd.RcID

    SELECT det.CustName
    , det.TargetDate
    , SoilWeight = SUM(CASE WHEN Type = 'S' THEN det.Weight END)
    , CleanWeight = SUM(CASE WHEN Type = 'C' THEN det.Weight END)
    FROM Details det

    WHERE det.CustName = @CustName
    AND det.InvtAcctCode = 'RENT HOSP' OR det.InvtAcctCode = 'RENT NH'
    AND det.TargetDate BETWEEN @StartDate AND @EndDate

    , det.TargetDate;


    and run this...

    SELECT *FROM getMonthlyCleanLinen('Brinton Manor Nursing & Rehab Center', '1291183201', '1672552801')

    and get this...



    not sure where the disconnect is.  anyone have any ideas? -thanks.

  • You have OR in there.   Needs to be inside parentheses.

    WHERE det.CustName = @CustName
    AND ( det.InvtAcctCode = 'RENT HOSP' OR det.InvtAcctCode = 'RENT NH' )
    AND det.TargetDate BETWEEN @StartDate AND @EndDate

    • This reply was modified 1 year, 1 month ago by  Jeffrey Williams. Reason: Added code sample

    Jeffrey Williams
    “We are all faced with a series of great opportunities brilliantly disguised as impossible situations.”

    ― Charles R. Swindoll

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