Azure Data Studio is the next iteration in Microsoft’s development of a cross-platform client tool for developing code and managing databases on-premises and in the cloud. Azure Data Studio was originally released in preview mode as SQL Operations Studio. The primary edge Azure Data Studio has over SQL Server Management Studio is the availability of installers that will run natively on Windows, Linux, and MacOS. Azure Data Studio is compatible with any version of Windows Desktop Operating systems greater than Windows 7 (SP1 with KB2533623) and any version of Windows Server greater than Windows Server 2008 R2. Azure Data Studio is also compatible with MacOS 10.12 and 10.13, RHEL 7.3 and 7.4 as well as Ubuntu 16.4. Alan Yu announced the availability of the November edition of Azure Data Studio on 5th November 2019.
With the initial projections of Azure Data Studio as a cross-platform tool I was hoping with would be able to use the tool to connect to Oracle and MySQL databases among others, but the tool is limited to data-related server products both on-premise and in the cloud. I also thought it was the beginning of the end of SQL Server Management Studio, but it really doesn’t match the power SQL Server Management Studio provides for deep database administration. It does have some great features for coding and lends itself to the new paradigms of managing data beyond the typical relational database, beyond the traditional data center and beyond the Windows Operating System. Besides, Microsoft does not intend to discontinue SQL Server Management Studio in the foreseeable future.
Figures 1 to 7 show screenshots of the installation process for Data Studio on a Windows Desktop. The installation process is quite straightforward and much less time consuming than SQL Server Management Studio.
Introduction This article will introduce you to the SQL Server Dacpac in Azure Data Studio. We will also learn about the Bacpac. In the Azure Data Studio, we have an extension named SQL Server Dacpac which allows us to deploy, extract Dacpacs, create a database from a Bacpac and export a schema and data to […]